To celebrate my second fave season, Spring, I'm giving away four books: E. Lockhart's FLY ON THE WALL, Meg Cabot's AVALON HIGH, Clare O'Donohue's THE LOVER'S KNOT, and Niki Burnham, Terri Clark, Ellen Hopkins, and Lynda Sandoval's BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO.

Gretchen wishes she could morph into a fly on the wall in the boy's locker room. She gets her wish. FLY ON THE WALL is another gem from one of my favorite authors. :)

Meg Cabot is amazing.. And AVALON HIGH is no exception. At first, everyone at Ellie's new school seem pretty normal, but soon Ellie finds out, that's not the case.

THE LOVER'S KNOT is SOUTH JERSEY MOM'S March Chick Lit Mystery Pick. Stay tuned on Wednesday when I post the review. This one is a goodie. :)
And finally, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO. Filled with four amazing stories about getting dumped. I just ordered another copy because I seriously cannot part with this one. :)
To enter to win four fabulous books, tell me about your spring plans. Is there something you are looking forward to? A dance? A sport? A production? A vacation? A new release? Or maybe the flowers and warm weather? I'm looking forward to spending some time outdoors with Kaci, the softball season, the release of my second book, CHANGE UP, and of course, the gorgeous weather. :)
Here are the contest rules:
1. To enter to win the above mentioned books, leave a comment and tell me about a spring event(s) you are looking forward to.
2. The contest ends at midnight on April 30th, 2009. The winner will be posted on May 1st, 2009. A family member or friend will pick the winner (including my dog at times).
3. The contest is open to EVERYONE. Don't be shy my writer friends. :)
4. If you post the contest on your blog, FACEBOOK, MySpace, or anywhere else, you automatically receive two entries. Last month's winner was a poster.
Good luck and Happy Spring!!! :)
I am definitely looking forward to March Break. Sophomore year of high school is killing me and I just want to relax. But even then, I have a feeling I won't really have a chance to relax. I'm going to use that time and start working on a paper for a scholarship which is 1000 words long. I doubt I'll even be able to do it!
I have linked this giveaway on my blog. =)
I used to play softball. I never looked forward to playing though since I was catcher and had to wear all that equipment.
I love how the air smells in spring - so fresh!
Hi, Diana! Yes, break! Ah!! :) Good luck! I'm sure your paper will be fantastic!
Hi, Lenore! Yes, the equipment is tough, especially when it's hot. :) I agree! :) Can't wait.
My spring plans: finish (or at least put a huge dent in) my latest WIP! Spring break, here I come!!!
(PS: just linked this on my blog :)
OK, now, now one else enter this contest--I really wanna win!!!
I'm really really excited (and hoping) that my plans to rent a house for the summer and for the next academic year work out, so that I'll be basically living in my own house with several other friends for the next year or so. I look forward to when I can move all my stuff (and by stuff I really mean my boxes and boxes of books) into my own house, bring them out into the open and placed onto shelves! A little nerdy, much?
I have linked to this contest in the sidebar on my blog.
And thanks for the Yay for February giveaway! I can't believe I won! Ahhhhh!
Hi, Beth! Good luck with your WIP!! And have fun during your spring break! :)
Congrats, Steph Su!!! Sounds like a blast! :) Love the summer!
I look forward to spring break! I posted this contest on my sidebar.
I'm looking forward to Purim. That's sorta the Jewish version of Halloween. (But we were here first!)
You know, the whole candy-costumes-no school-fun thing.
totaly cool contest!! a spring event i'm looking forward to is going to the local pool everyday. I have such great memories there.
I teach. I'm looking forward to a week long reading marathon at the beach!! I'm praying for warm weather!
Spring!! yay. Even though it won't be that warm, I can't wait to start camping again. We have a RV, so we just need it to ease up on the rain, and we are out there!!!!
Thanks for continuing these contests, Keri! They are awesome!
my favorite part of spring every year is the beginning of baseball season. First pitch is one of my favorite moments every spring! these are some great titles!
Spring my daughter is playing softball for the first time so I am excited and my high schooler is doing track and field! We are planning a trip to Disneyland for two days!! Love spring!
Thanks, Tower of Books! Me too. :)
Hi, Ellie! Sounds like fun!!! :)
Hi, Amy! Have fun! Do you like to swim?? :)
Sounds like total bliss, MJ! :)
You're welcome, Suzanne! Can't wait to see your camping pics! It doesn't warm up around here until late May. Last softball season, I was wearing my winter coat in May. :) Have fun!
Me too, Erika!!! I can't wait until April 1st! :)
Hi, Carla! Have fun! And best of luck with Spring sports! :)
I am looking forward to spring break. Oh and flowers, we planted a ton of bulbs during the fall and they should be coming up soon. : )
I posted a link of this contest on my blog's sidebar:
I am not really looking forward to anything this spring other then Easter. I love Easter because my Grandparents come home from Florida and I get peeps. I love peeps. Ha I already started buying my stuffed toy peeps for this year.
I am soo looking forward to Spring Break in 2 weeks. I will get the week off from work and get to sleep in! Yay! I will most likely be spending my time reading and hanging out with my friends and family this spring. My older brother just got a Wii, so we are all having fun playing at his house!
I'm really just looking forward to warmer weather.
I put a link in my sidebar here:
I'm looking forward to working out again. My garage is full of weights and whatnot, and I miss the relationship we used to have when the air was warm.
Disneyworld in May! Need I say more?????
I teach school so I'm looking forward to Spring Break. I don't have any plans this year so I am hoping to lay by the pool and read a bunch!
I also play softball for an adult league now and love it! However, I wish the weather was a teeny bit warmer (its supposed to be 38 tomorrow night when we FLORIDA!)
I blogged about the contest here
i also blogged about the contest here
Hi, Genevieve! That's the best! When the first flowers peek out. :) Enjoy!
Hi, Kaitlyn! Yummy! Peeps! :)
Hi, Meredith! Enjoy your spring break! My niece just got a Wii and it's a blast. :) What's your favorite game?
Me too, Katie! :)
Hi, Big Plain V! Enjoy your reunited relationship. :)
Hi, PJ! Sounds like a blast!!! :) Enjoy!
Hi, Purplg8tr! 38 degrees in Florida?? Yikes!! Good luck with your season! :) Thanks for the link!
Hi, Erika Lynn! Thanks for posting! :)
My anniversary is in the Spring, and I am excited to get away! Even if it is only for a day!
just the warmer weather that will be an event within itself thanks for the giveaway
I'm excited about Summer being that much closer and the warmer weather. I'm tired of being cold lol.
I would looove to be entered! I will post your Contest on my blog - HERE-
My e-mail is tina238567@yahooDOTcom
I love spring - we have a trip planned to Florida and my youngest starts travel ball after practicing since January. It's nice to see green again too
Hey Keri!
Looking forward to sending Seventh Son to my favorite agents. Finishing The Tweed Coat and revamping Soul Jar.
Can't wait for flowers,warm days, and my birthday! Go Aries!
Spring events I'm looking foreward to...That's A LOT.
Geography Competition - Yup. A competition about geography. Hopefully this year, we would win. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Going Green - My school is going green. There's going to be a lot of recycling of things like cellphones and book donations.
Field Day - This is probably going to be the most fun day. There's going to be a dance, games, and lots of food! The best part is that it's right after FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test).
8th grade field trip - This is the day to look foreward to. We're going to Islands of Adventure this year! I can't wait to get on one of those crazy rides!
Principal Honor Roll Breakfast - I know I'm going to be a part of this, which is a huge honor at my school. It's awarded to students with really good grades.
Spirit Week - I can't wait to dress up. This is a week where I don't have to wear uniform, and I can go crazy on how I dress.
That's pretty much it....
I have this giveaway on my sidebar. =D
I am so looking forward to spring break of my senior year. I plan on doing tons of fun things with my friends like shopping and going to amusement parks. And who wouldn't look forward to a week off from school?
I have posted a link on my sidebar here:
Thanks for the contest!
I am looking foward for my class trip to Washington D.C., Mmy birthday, and spring break.
posted here
Megan (the book geek)
I'm looking forward to a lot of things this spring! Mostly, the warm weather -- I live in MIchigan, and the cold and snow is really getting old!
In May, I'm looking forward to my choir's trip to Toronto! It's going to be lots of fun... it feels like May isn't getting here quick enough. :)
There are also a lotttt of wonderful looking YA releases coming out this spring -- can't wait for those, either!
Posted on my contests page:
Mostly, I'm looking forward to the sun! This is my first winter in a place with an actual winter, and I'm definitely ready to soak up some much needed vitamin D.
blogged about the giveaway here:
Hi, Chantele! Happy Anniversary! Enjoy! ;)
Hi, Mindy! I agree. :)
Hi, Bookloverforever! I agree. And thanks for posting. :)
Hi, Scottsgal! Good luck to your youngest and enjoy your trip to Florida! :)
Hey, Colleen! Best of luck!! ;) Keep me posted.
Wow, Lalaland! You do have a lot to look forward to! Good luck at your competition. And the eighth grade trip at Islands of Adventure, Spirit Week, and a field day - nice! ;) Enjoy your breakfast and going green - what a great idea! :) Have fun!
Hi, Katie! Sounds like fun!! You reminded me of my senior year spring break. :) Enjoy! And thanks for linking. :)
Hi, Hope! You're right! There are a ton of great releases! Have fun on your trip and enjoy the warm weather. :)
Hi, Nora! Yes, I agree.. What did you think of winter?? :)
For spring break im just looking foward to hanging out with my friends, going to movies and of course to shop!!! I wish I could be going somewhere where its hot and not cold like where i live.
I'm not really excited for anything this spring. My high school doesn't have a spring break and we don't even get a day off! So I have to go to school those twenty days while everyone is out in the sun having fun!
But something I am looking forward to is warmer weather. I live in the Icebox of the nation where we have four feet of snow and negative weather. So I would love the warm weather even if it melts the 4 ft of snow and we get flooded. :)
I'm looking forward to my spring break, which is easter week off! Plus, putting away my winter coat and getting out tank tops and flip flops :-)
I love forward to spring because I can sit outside anytime I want. I have a nephew who loves to play outside and I have 3 dogs. It'll be nice to see them running around in the sun together.
Posted the contest on my myspace blog:
two weeks of vacation!!!! going to my parents coutryside place and doing nothing except reading books, enjoying the almond blossoms and feeding the cats!!!
I'm looking forward to taking my son to the park more. And I can't wait for the pools to open!!
I looking forward to beautiful days walking my dogs.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yay! I can't wait for the warm weather to arrive so I can roll all my windows down and drive with the music turned all the way up. We're going to the beach in June, too, and I'm going to start helping my best friend plan her wedding. I'm looking forward to all of those things! :)
Thanks for the chance!
writing.meg [at]
I can't wait to spend a little time outside with my garden. And I've started running. Which is WAY out of character for me, but it's actually been fun so far.
I'm just looking forward to Spring Break, no school, and maybe I'll be able to get a tan. :D
Well, I'm no longer in school... I wish I had a spring break to look forward to!! So mostly I'm just anticipating being able to go for walks outside without freezing my butt off. I'm also looking forward to Easter and getting together with my family.
I'm just looking forward to warm weather. It's currently -27*C, here, -38 with windchill. Too cold!!
I put a link in my sidebar here:
I'm looking forward to planting my garden.
I'm looking forward to playing a lot of tennis this spring. Of course, I also want to make time for reading books too. :)
leeangeli@yahoo dot com
We don't really have Spring Break but it sounds pretty fun. And I love March so much because it's mine and my mum's birth month.
What a contest! Enter me please.
I added a link to my sidebar
Spring Break... just hanging out with friends outside is awesome.
Please enter me.
I'm in the UK.
Easter break = Spring break
I'm going to relax with friends and read :)
well i got out and walked a battlefield today with my daughter.
needless to say the sneezes has hit lol
my other daughter is headed for fla for srping break, you all probally see her on girls gone wild , or cops
im going on day trip to a NC this weekend
and we stillnot hit blackberry winter
I think the thing I am most looking forward to is catching up on my reading!!! My TBR pile is sadly neglected ... we need more hours in a day!!
While I'll miss the snow from Winter, I think the thing I'm looking forward to is taking some pictures. I got a new camera last year, so I'm hoping to go out more and take pictures of the birds and flowers. They won't be the best pictures, but I'll have fun taking them anyways. :)
I've also left a link of your giveaway on my blog. It's on the sidebar under the header Giveaway List.
~ Popin
A big spring event I am looking forward to is my wedding on May 2! Now I'll have my anniversary to look forward to every year in May as well as my birthday-maybe I'll even get double the presents? (I doubt it!:)
I am looking forward to my flowers blooming. Please include me in your giveaway.
Last year's Spring Break was pretty rainy and not at all spring-like. This year, thursday and friday are supposed to be SUNNY! I'm looking forward to birdwatching (i really like birds)and biking to the library!
For spring break I was looking forward to going to California but since that already happened... hehe I loved it!! It was out in the country and so darn lovely and peaceful :D
I am looking forward to Spring and seeing the lilacs bloom. I missed them last year! I love seeing everything come back to life after cold Idaho winter is done! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm looking forward to spring break, and getting some flowers planted outside when its a tad warmer! Love watching all the trees starting to bud.
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
My school's theatre program has the production of 'The Crucible' coming up. It's hard work, long hours, and stressful beyond compare, but in the end it's all worth it when you see the result.
Over spring break I will be going to Ireland to visit family and friends. I am so excited to see the castles, torque waterfall, and the cliffs of moore
i'm looking forward to easter dinner!!
I am looking forward to going to baseball games with my husband and kids, especially the Milwaukee Brewers! YEAH!
I'm just looking forward to spring break. It'll give me a week to relax and catch up on some reading ;)
I'm looking forward to the simplicity of wearing dresses and skirts again! Ahhh to be done with jeans and pants and boots for whole 6 months!!
ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com
I am looking forward to all my spring bulbs to come up and make my yard seem less than just a messy mudpuddle!
first day of baseball it what I am looking forward to- opening day
Just to see the rebirth of the tree's, flower's and grass, to feel the fresh clean air as I set in a comfortable chair with a drink reading some good books :)
I am looking forward to long walks with my family, and sitting out in my garden reading. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
I'm looking forward to taking a trip to California. I'm just hoping the weather will be nice and warm so I can enjoy the beach.
believe it or not i'm looking forward to the prom. i'm a teacher and i go every year. it's so wonderful to watch the girls transform into women before my very eyes.
teechbiz at gmail dot com
i'm waiting for spring and summer because this is my grand baby Hannah's second summer which means she play outside...
Looking forward to a big family gathering at Easter - lots of food, love and laughter.
I'm a bird-watcher, so I'm excited about the migrating birds returning to the north!!
Open to all, yay :D
There nothing that I am really looking forward too, well except for spring to come. After 3 months of constant snow and cold weather, and darkness I need sun and grass
Spring has finally begun to come! It is starting to get warmer out up North (40 degrees!) and the ground is thawing, plus, if your lucky, you can start to see the sun peeking out between the many gloomy clouds have have filled the sky since Winter. All of these things give people, including me, spring fever. However, the thing that I am looking forward to the most this spring is being able to ride my one and only favorite horse in the world, Bailee, in a dry pasture without freezing my fingers of while doing so, and worrying about the bit being to cold in her mouth! Another thing that I am excitedly waiting for is being able to read all of my wonderful books out in the sun on the deck, or sitting in the shade in the woods reading one! I am also looking forward to swimming in the murky lake 1 minute away from our house! You can tell that I'm excited for spring! Haha!
I linked to your blog here: http://booksforteensreviews.
(copy and paste the links together to get it to work!)
Thanks for the contest!
I'm looking forward to our local 'Frühlingsfest' (spring festival).
I am looking forward to our spring egg hunt at our city.
I am looking forward to spring break to spend more time with my kids and have a huge egg hunt on Easter
Thank you!
I'm looking forward to Earth Day - we started selling Electric Cars and have been invited to attend a bunch of festivals this spring. Go Green! :)
my spring plans is to clean the house out! we have so much stuff we dont use! donate it to the humane thrift store so they can raise funds!
Spring break!
Please enter me in the contest. :)
I blogged about this here.
I'm looking forward to the warm weather and my flower garden and mowing the lawn and playing baseball at the park.
Ahhh...Spring Break! Well, I am actuallly going to cleaning my butt of this spring vacation! Ew, I'm getting old! But other than that I would really like to get away for like 4 days. Maybe go to Wildwood or even AC. *crosses fingers*
I'm also posting this on my site! =D
No huge plans for spring break, but I'm looking forward to the nice weather (hopefully) so I can start taking my dog back to the dog beach. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com
Looking foward to some easter egg hunts
I'm looking forward to planting my garden.
I am looking forward to being able to go outside and play with my son! Going to the park is always fun and it has been way too cold to go! Thank you for the giveaway!
I'm looking forward to a few cookouts and I'm already excited about the green leaves and flowers returning. Not so much about the pollen....
ilikecitylights @ gmail dot com
I'm looking forward to family bbqs and a trip to Vegas in May!
i am looking forward to going to the beach
I'm looking forward to walking my two little grandsons to the park to play every day.
I`m looking forward to hiking and being able to walk outside in a short sleeve shirt again. Also looking forward to spending time with the family at the local amusement park!
We just bought a new house, so I'm looking forward to laying out the garden and just generally getting things "just so".
Well I don't have any specials things planned because our school doesn't give us a very large Spring break, but I am looking forward to all the warm weather and the Tulips that are blooming in my from yard. YAY!
I have posted a link on my blog for this giveaway :)
I am looking forward to getting out in the warm spring air. Living in MN we all have cabin fever and can't wait to be outside.
What I most look forward to in Spring is some color. I live way up in the north, and everything has been drab since the end of fall last year. No leaves on the trees, and only snow or slush on the ground.
I look forward to the warmer weather in spring... and reading outside.
Hi, Jenn!! Sending tons of sunny days your way. Shopping - love it! I'm heading to B and N's tomorrow. :) Have a great Spring break. :)
Hi, Kelsey! Oh no.. No Spring Break?? Hope it warms up soon! Hugs. :)
Hi, Jocelyn! Love flip flops!! :) Have fun!
Hi, Bridget! Absolute bliss! Have fun. :) And thanks for posting.
Hi, Katayoun! Sounds perfect! Enjoy!
Hi, Nhertel85! Love taking Kaci to the park too.. And the pool! Can't wait. :) Have fun.
Hi, Liane66! Me too. :) What kind of dogs do you have??
Hi, Writemeg! Sounds like fun!! Love the beach. :) Have fun planning!
Hi, Carrie! Have fun!! :) Love running.. Sometimes. :)
Hi, Brooke! Nice! :)
Hi, Asherz86! Sounds perfect. :) I hate when the freezing wind actually hurts.
Hi, Laina! Are you serious?? Yikes. Thanks for posting. :)
HI, quiltingreader! Nice! :)
Hi, Angie! Have fun with tennis! And there are lots of great books out right now too. :)
Hi, Marie! Me too!! Enjoy! :)
Hi, Thao! Happy Birthday Thao's Mom! Enjoy! ;)
Hi, TruBlu93! Thanks.. And thanks for posting. :)
Hi, Sarah! Total bliss. :)
Hi, Kate! Have fun! :)
Hi, Blackroze37! Hope your daughter has fun. :) Enjoy your day trip!
Hi, Llehn! Me too.. :) I agree.
Hi, PopinFresh! Thanks for linking and enjoy your photos! ;)
Hi, GreenBeanTeenQueen! Wow!! Enjoy your wedding!! Congrats!! ;) What a beautiful time of year to get married!
Hi, Debbie! Thanks for entering. And enjoy your flowers. :)
Hi, Jenna! Enjoy The Crucible! Great story. :)
Hi, Ellie of Words! Wow! Have fun in Ireland. Sounds beautiful. :)
Hi, Giveaway Diva! Hope you enjoyed your dinner!! ;)
Hi, Angela! Yay! Baseball! Have fun. :)
Hi, Briana! Sounds perfect. Enjoy! :)
Hi, Kiki! Awe.. Spring! Have fun. :)
Hi, Alexandrea! Love flowers. Enjoy your blooms. :)
Hi, Mrs. Mommy! Yay!! Love it. :)
Hi, Debi! Awe.. Bliss. :) Enjoy!
Hi, Cindy! Nice!! You're welcome. Enjoy. :)
Hi, Betty C.! California! Nice. :) Have fun!
Hi, Princess Golden Hair! Love this time of year. It's so nice to hear how much you care about your students that you would mention their prom. They're lucky to have you. :) Enjoy!
Hi, Miss Flirt! Love your name. :) Awe.. Too cute. :)
Hi, Susitravl! Nice! Hope you enjoyed yesterday. :)
Hi, Emilie! Enjoy!! ;)
Hi, Blodeuedd! Me too. :)
Hi, Polo Pony! Absolutely! Have fun with Bailee - I love your horse's name. :) And enjoy your books. Lots of great reads out right now. :)
Hi, Letter Garden! Nice! Have fun!
Hi, Malleycc! Hope you found tons of eggs. :)
Hi, Tatertot37! Have fun!! ;)
Hi, Tonibelle! Happy Earth Day! I agree. My hubby and I are making steps to go green lately and I'm loving it!! Have fun!!
Hi, Trish! Enjoy your Spring Cleaning!! ;)
Hi, Liyana! Yay! Thanks for posting. :)
Hi, Book Junkie! Flowers and baseball! Love it. :) Have fun. :)
Hi, Cheryl! Thanks for posting!! Are you a Jersey girl!! Love WW and AC!! :) Yay, Jersey!
Hi, PJGirl74! Me too. Have fun!! ;)
Hi, Miranda! Hope you had fun!
Hi, Sandyy456! Me too. :)
Hi, Tiffany! I know what you mean.. Warmer weather means more outside time for the kids without painfully chilly weather.. :) Yay!
Hi, Sam! LOL.. :)
Hi, Mishia! Have fun in Vegas!! :)
Hi, jwx4! Me too!
Hi, Ellie! Have fun!! ;) Too cute.
Hi, A Stationary Addict! Me too.. Have fun!
Hi, Sachidewey! Congratulations!! Enjoy!
Hi, Jordan Nicole! Sounds perfect and thanks for posting!
Hi, Molly K! Me too! Have fun!
Hi, Donna! So true.. It's so nice when everything blooms. :) Enjoy!
Hi, Not Nessie! Me too! Enjoy! ;)
I am looking forward to vacation-2 weeks at the lake!
tiramisu392 (at)
Great list :)
I'm going to Pennsylvania for nationals! I'm really excited.
I put your contest in my sidebar under contests and also added you to my blog list.
I am so looking forward to having my brother come to visit from France.
Cool contest!! I loved Avalon High!
What do I look forward to, well TENNIS everyday!! Yeah!
Great contest!
I look forward to being able to read outside again, and that summer is almost here which means I get to come home from school!
lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com
I'm looking forward to my vacation! :D
wow, there are a TON of comments already. My favorite thing about spring is the Jazz Festival we have in our little shopping downtown area. While you walk and window shop you get to hear jazz from all of the schools/bands from around the area. Sadly, I've got to start studying for my I'll be spending a little less time out in the sun.
Definitely looking forward to gardening!!! :-)
Hi Keri! Thank you for this giveaway, it's totally awesome of you!
My favorite spring event just ended today. Every year during April, there's this GINORMOUS book fair in my town, with used books and new books and old books and amazing books and not-so-amazing books and dirt cheap books and books enough to make a girl very very happy for the rest of the year, almost. I've been living here for three years and haven't missed a single one yet! =) Needless to say, this year's haul was as amazing as ever! (31 books in less than 13 dollars! I am beyond ecstatic!)
I posted a link to this giveaway on the sidebar at my blog:
Can't wait to hear more about your new book!
Hmm... it's not really an event, but I'm looking forward to the day getting longer. I like it when it stays lighter longer.
+1 I posted about the contest on my blog.
My email is
The spring event I am looking forward to is watching the tulips blossom! Please add my name to your draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb at gmail dot com
I would like to enter this, please!
I can't wait for spring because of the HOT WONDERFUL WEATHER!! I love it!
+2 entries: I posted this contest on my sidebar at
I'm looking forward to just being able to get out and go for walks with my dog and enjoy some nice weather -- it's been a long winter and I'm so tired of being cooped up inside! (sorry, I had to delete my previous comment as my email address has changed since I lost my job recently -- sigh).
Hi, Bison 61! A vacation by the lake sounds perfect. Enjoy! :)
Hi, Erica!!! Yay!!! Good luck. :)
Hi, Mia J! Have fun with your brother. Does he live there? Thanks. :)
Hi, Wdebo! Good luck with tennis! :)
Hi, Jessica Marie! Thanks. Have fun! And yes, reading and writing outside is so much better then inside. :)
Hi, Robin Titan! Enjoy your vacation!
Hi, Lizzy! Good luck with your GRE. A jazz festival sounds fun. :)
Hi, Kelly H-Y! After all the gardening comments, I'm giving it a try. :) Have fun.
Hi, Dissecting Perfection! Love your name. :) Thanks! Wow 31 books for $13! Nice. Enjoy!! ;) Thanks for posting too.
Hi, Max! I agree with you. :) Longer days.. Thanks for posting. :)
Hi, Wanda! Tulips are pretty. :) Enjoy!
Hi, Ashley! Me too! Great name, by the way. :) And thanks for posting.
Hi, Marie! Sorry to hear about the job loss. Best of luck. Me too. Love long walks on hot days. :)
I'm looking forward to all the Spring buds and blooms! I can take lots of pictures!
Hi, Paradox! Me too! :) Enjoy!
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