Thanks everyone for sharing your fave vacation spots. Kaci and I are having a blast picking the winner. BTW, my daughter's bucket is wet from the beach, so we swapped the bucket with a basket to pick the winner. :)
This month, I'm celebrating July by giving away two fantastic fun summer reads: Bev Katz Rosembaum's I Was a Teenage Popsicle and Heather McElhatton's Pretty Little Mistakes: A Do Over Novel.

I Was a Teenage Popsicle follows Floe Ryan, a girl who is frozen at sixteen because of a disease outbreak. Now, it's ten years later and Floe is thawed. IWATP is an adorable, fun book.
Pretty Little Mistakes: A Do Over Novel is a unique one. Remember choose your own adventure stories? Pretty Little Mistakes: A Do Over Novel is the adult version. At the end of each chapter, you make a decision and choose what you are going to do, then the book directs you to the correct page. Tons of fun.
Since this month's theme is fun, what do you do for fun? It doesn't necessarily have to do with summer, but if you had all the time in the world, what would you do? If I had an entire day devoted to fun, I would golf or play some sort of sport in the morning, hang out at the beach with my family and friends during the day, find time to read and write, eat a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant, then hit the boardwalk at night with my daughter, hubby, nieces, and entire extended family.
Here are the contest rules:
1. To enter to win, leave a comment about what you like to do for fun.
2. The contest ends at midnight on July 31, 2008 and the winner will be posted on August 1, 2008. My two year old daughter will pick the winner out of a basket. :)
3. The contest is open to everyone. Don't be shy, my writer friends. :)
4. If you post the contest on your blog or on MySpace, you automatically receive two entries.
Good luck! ;)
Yay! First post! For fun, I play field hockey, read or watch tv/hang out on the internet. I would totally die if I didn't have all of those things!
Great contest! Well, for fun I like to camp. RVing, really. We go all over Oregon, eating lots of beef jerky and marshmallows.
Doesn't sound glamorous, but it's a riot!
I suppose saying that I like to read for fun is too much of an obvious answer. haha. So besides reading, I also like to make plans with my friends. We go downtown shopping or just find a movie we want to watch at the local theatre. I also love going to the beach and going to concerts. I've already got 2 concerts lined for this summer. =)
- Carmen T
I travel, read, ride my bike, eat tons of sushi, surf the Internet, play with my kitten, visit friends, go dancing...
I linked to your contest here
I like to eat chocolate ,go swimming,drink wine but right now I just walk and stay pregnant.
for fun i read, read, and read some more.
and i eat chocolate (go other rachel!!), travel, eat more good food, shop (for books or clothes)m among other things that dont come to mind right now :D
i posted on my list of contests:
thanks for reminding me :D
Fun is funny. I need more of it.
So we got a Wii.
And then there's happy hour at a place with a playscape.
For fun, i like to read, play tennis, and go to the beach with my friends.
i'll post this contest on my myspace...I'll tell you when i posted it :D
Grace L
For fun I read, write, play with my cat, play video games, surf the internet, shop, bike, hang out with my friends...etc. haha well, there's a lot so I won't list them all, but I think you get the point. :D
For fun...I like to hang out on the porch with my mom, see movies with my friends and sister, READ!, eating chocolate is quite a fun thing to do...I must agree, and umm...that's it! LOL
P.S. Come and celebrate Stephanie Kuehnert week with us on this blog!!! You can win some cool stuff and there's even a HUGE giveaway!!!
Ooh, July means county fair time for me! It's such a blast. We stay at the fairgrounds all week, and there's always something to do.
But other than that, I am pretty reclusive in the summer time. I love to sit out on my deck and read, or take bike rides alone.
I read, write, and act like an idiot with my friends for fun.
I also linked to your contest on the sidebar of my blog.
Love the contests <3
I have a terrible case of wanderlust. I think I love going places, whether it be going to Las Vegas or just to the mall. I enjoy going places and living the busy life. But when it's the end of the day, I love have a deep and interesting conversation with my friends. So I guess it doesn't take much for me to have fun!
:) Mindy
I LOVE I Was a Teenage Popsicle! I haven't gotten a copy of it yet, so I would love to win this one!
Reading is always fun! Hanging out with my family and friends is fun, maybe play some volleyball, and chocolate would somehow be involved too!
how sad is it that my idea of fun is turning the A/C down real low, snuggling under a comfy blanket and reading?! when did i turn 80?! :)
what a fun concept for a book!
Wow, great book selections. I LOVE the premise behind Teenage Popsicle.
As for what I would do if I had a full day and no obligations, I'd sleep in, spend plenty of time with my husband and our cats, read, go on a hike with my camera along for the ride, and then spend an evening with friends or family.
I love to read and cross stitch.
Rachel R.
I love swimming, reading, watching movies and eating! Eating's a lot of fun! :)
Oh, and I've blogged HERE for an extra entry. Thanks!
bunnybox9 at gmail . com
I love to go outside really really early in the morning and read. Or go play in the rain. It's really too hot over here to do otherwise. lol
Great contest :) For fun I like to hang out with friends and family, usually by havin a little gathering or a small cookout or something. I'm an avid reader, and I love to create it art of any medium, but mostly paint. I also enjoy going to national parks and enjoying mother earth :)
Thanks for a great giveaway. I hope I'm the lucky winner.
Great contest! For fun I like to travel, read, and go on long, lazy walks!
For fun I read, write, and dance! And I hang out with my friends...
And I also enjoy volunteering at the library. Which may make me weird.
I also go on the internet all the time.
I have your contest advertised on my sidebar of my blog:
So my cool self pretty much reads for fun, and if Im not reading Im having fun in a bookstore. Although when I get the chance I do love to travel. Its always exciting to see new places!
Read. XD
But I also like to dance like nobody's watching... in a room with a locked door and blasting my -cough-broadway-cough- music to the point of 'What? I can't hear you!'
Not extraordinary, but it keeps me happy. ^^
I love to go swimming, reading and do arts&crafts for fun. Anything relaxing is fun to me.
Hi! I posted about your contest on my myspace1! its under book contest in my blog section!!
Grace L
Ps. add me please
Fun contest, Keri!
It's movies and books for me. I wish I was more exciting. *grin*
For fun? Movies and books. Hands down. Next might be lounging in the pool or at the beach.
For fun I like to read books, surf the net, chat with my friends, watch tv, play video games, play with my cousins, eat, sleep, and watch movies. I blogged about the contest over at my blog. Look under Contests!!! in the sidebar.
I love to crochet for fun...I have made many afghans and given them as gifts for babies and adults alike. It is my favorite past time, besides reading a great book before bed every night.
Great giveaway!!!
Hello, Summer is such a fun season! I enjoy hanging out with friends, camping and reading. Also, going to the Outer Banks most summers is a blast. Please enter me in your fantastic book giveaway drawing!
Many thanks, Cindi
I love to read and write, of course :) I also enjoy playing with my black Lab :)
I posted a link on my webpage!
Hi, Avni - #1 - Good Luck. Field hockey - what a fun sport. :)
Hi, Suzanne - Love it! :)
Hi, Carmen - Have fun at the concerts. Who are you seeing?
Hi, Lenore - Thanks for the link. I should add some of them to my list - I love play with the kitten - ahhh..
Hi, Rachel - Enjoy and rest up. :) You look great.
Hi, Book Muncher - Thanks for the link. I forgot shopping - I love to shop. :)
Hi, PJ - I'm hearing great stuff about this Wii.. Does your daughter play with it??
Hi, Grace - Thanks for the post. I'm with you on the beach. :)
Hi, Cyndi - Yes, I do. The more I read everyone else's posts, the more I want to add. There just isn't enough time in the day.
Hi, Lauren - I love chocolate! And I'm loving the IWBYJR contest! Great idea. :)
Hi, Compulsive Reader - Is the fairgrounds like a huge carnival? Bike rides and reading - perfect day. :)
Hi, Khyrinthia (I love your name) - Thanks for the link. Acting like an idiot is a blast. :)
Hi, Mindy - Thanks. I love that word - wanderlust. Great comment. :)
Hi, Meredith - Me too. Yes, I must eat chocolate everyday. :)
Hi, Virginia - Yes, I know. I was very excited when we bought an air conditioner to help cool the upstairs for that very same reason. Stay cool. :)
For fun, I read, watch movies, listen to music (especially live), and hang with friends. I like to walk places, especially after eating.
My perfect day of fun would be at the beach -- a swim, sand castle building, a great book, a little beach volleyball, then a beach fire and roasting hotdogs for dinner. :)
Hi, Caryn - Sounds like a fun day. And your pictures are gorgeous. Sleeping in would be nice. :)
Hi, Rachel - I bet you've made some really nice gifts. Cross stitching is beautiful. When, I was pregnant with my daughter, I had this overwhelming urge to knit. :)
Hi, Bunny - Yes, eating lots is fun. :)
Hi, Megan - Rain on a hot day is fun to play in. Stay cool. :)
Hi, Reeva - Thanks and good luck. Sounds like a perfect relaxing day. :)
Hi, Chelsie - Volunteering doesn't make you weird at all. Libraries are the best - filled with books. I would love to work in one. In fact, I'm teaching at one tonight. :)
Hi, Book Girl - Reading and bookstores equal a great day. I should have added shopping for books. :)
Hi, Nicole - Love it! ;)
Hi, Books and Love - I agree.
Hi, Aimee - Long lazy walks.. I wish I could take one right now. :)
Hi, Grace - Thanks for the post.
Hi, Kelly - Thanks. Movies and books are exciting! ;)
Hi, Amy - I agree. :)
Hi, Carol - Thanks.. Sounds like a great day. :)
Hi, Barbara - Thanks.. I bet the gifts are gorgeous.
Hi, Cindi - The Outer Banks is gorgeous. Enjoy. :)
Hi, Beth - Your dog is adorable. :)
Hi, Liviania - Me too. :)
Hi, Shari - A perfect day at the beach. :)
You do such great contests, Keri and the books up for grabs sounds like great summer reads! Of course I read for fun but I also like to: Scrapbook, shop, I love watching break dance movies and shows, movies in general, reality shows are the bomb (I don't think anyone says that anymore, do they?), I love planning things for my husband and me to do like go to concerts, theme parks, Broadway etc, I like to keep us busy.
Well, obviously I like to read, but other than that I enjoy photography, writing, music, and drawing.
I posted about your contest on my blog.
For fun, I like (love) to read. Which is obvious. I also really like to write, although it gets frustrating at times. And I'm a big fan of movies, too. Good ones, at least. And I love animals! Horses, especially, although I haven't spent a lot of time around them.
Thanks for the contest! These books both look amaaaazing.
Hi! For fun I like to read, write, shop, listen to music, ride my bike, and hang out with my friends. We have the most awesome sleepovers.
I linked the contest on the group blog that Kaiti, Beth, and I are all on.
~Georgeanne (from the writing workshop) ;-)
Man I'd do tons of things. Read, watch something on netflix, something at the theatre. Go to the bookstore, the comic book store. Go to a museum, go downtown. Work on my zines. Visit my friends. Blog, read blogs. All sorts of things!
May I only enter for "I Was A Teenage Popsicle"? I already have the hilariously fabulous "Pretty Little Mistakes". I heard she's working on another book when you win the lottery. Love it!
For fun i watch tv, read, hang out with friends, go to the mall, play rockband, play mini golf, play volleyball, go swimming and since its summer, i love to travel!
Hi, Book Adorer - Thanks! :) Wow, you do a lot of fun stuff and planning is the best.
Hi, Kiss to Betray - Love the name.. I like drawing and photography, but I suck at it. I can never center my picture.
Hi, Chelsea - You're welcome. Writing can get frustrating, but keep pumping out pages, you can always go back. Yikes I sound like a teacher. :)
Hi, Georgeanne - See you tomorrow!!
Hi, Alea - Sure! Whew.. What a list - love it. :) What did you think of PLM? What is a vine?
Hi, Allie - Great stuff. I love Rock Band and mini golf. :)
count me in! :)
for fun, i love to read, of course! i also write stories. i like to ride bikes, run, swim, camp. i loveee to go to the beach!
Other than reading, for fun, I play with my dogs, surf the internet, skate, or go outside for a walk. I love doing outside activities, which makes summer so awesome.
Thanks for the contest!
I blogged about it here:
Keri- I really like Pretty Little Mistakes. At the time I was determined to read every different scenario and then realized that would be pretty tough so now I'm just going to go back and play again every once in awhile. I just love the idea!
Do you mean a zine? It's just a self published little book. Mine are comics but often times they are just people writing. Really fun!
Great contest - glad I found your site. For fun, I like to read (of course) and I also like to watch movies - all types. I really enjoy going to a nice air-conditioned theater on a warm summer day to catch a flick.
Cheryl S.
I like to lay out on the beach!
Hi, Ashley - Me too. :)
Hi, R - Yes, summer is so much better then winter. :)
Hi, Alea - I'll have to check out zines. Thanks. :)
Hi, Cheryl - Sounds fun and cozy. Did you see the Dark Knight?
Hi, Brittany - Me too. :)
wow what an amazing contest!! those books seem extremely interesting if i win them i cannot wait to get to reading them!! for fun i like to read, draw, watch amazing movies --especially some based on books i've read like say..the lord of the rings!! --and reading some more : )
In the summer, I like to have the free time to go to the book store and relax. Also to go out with my friends and vacation!
I linked it to my LJ:
I absolutely love to scrapbook! That's my very, very favorite way to spend time.
Please enter me in your drawing but just for the "Pretty Little Mistakes" book because I have read the other one already.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Let's see - first I would go to a bead store, then a book store, then a yarn store, then a nice restaurant with a friend. Maybe a nap after that (or sort through the loot that I bought!).
Thanks for doing the contest!
Well we all know the obvious answer of what I do for fun...READ!! Other than that though I love to go to the beach, just plain sit around and talk with my friends, and play the piano!!
This is an awesome contest! Hmmm, what do I do for fun? I love to read, and watch all my fave tv shows! =) I like hunting for good music, but only when I find something good. I also like to hang out with my friends. (and I like taking walks with my mp3) =D Oh, and Keri have you seen The Dark Knight? I've heard nothing but good things, I cannot wait to see it! And it's no. 1 on the imdb top 250 right now, I think!
Thanks, and have a great day!
~Lucy D =)
For a day of fun I would like to take about a three hour drive (long enough to get tons of reading in) to a amusement park and spend the whole day going on roller coasters and such all day long and then spend the drive home reading again. That would be a FUN day! Great contest. I have been waiting FOREVER to read I was a Teenage Popsicle. And The other books sounds sooo much fun!
For fun, during the summer, I love to just hang out with my friends around my fire pit beneath the stars. We roast mellows and swim by the light of the fire. We do this a couple times a week and it is a great way to spend time with friends!
<3 Kate
Hi, anonymous! I forgot to add movies. :) And yes, books made into movies are always fun.
Hi, Diana! Bookstores. Yes, love them. But, I have to stay away right now. I'm spending way to much $. :)
Hi, Elizabeth! No problem. I have to get back into scrapbooking. I agree, it's so much fun.
Hi, Janel! What a perfect day! ;)
Just found you the last day of your contest. Hope that is luck. For fun, we love to swim. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi, Tasha! Me too.. Except for play the piano. I wish I knew how. :)
Hi, Lucy! Me too! Thanks for the recommendation.. My hubby and I want to check out THE DARK KNIGHT soon. :) I've heard great things. I just watched JUNO and loved it.
Hi, Kelsey! IWATP is a great book. Sounds like a great day. :)
Hi, Kate! Total bliss. :)
Hi, Debbie! Good luck! :) Me too. In fact, I'm going tomorrow. :)
Check out the new contest posted today!! :)
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