Speaking of contests, don't miss this Happy 16th Birthday 'your choice' contest. It's a good one.

Last night was the first night of the Wednesday Teen's Writers Workshop I'm facilitating at the Cape May County Library. I met a great group of writers and we had a blast chatting about books, writing, Writer's Notebook, and Chase Crawford. :) Check out their fun blog here.
Yay! My book streak continues. Alexa Young's book FRENEMIES is a blast. I always can tell when I'm going to enjoy a book because I make an instant connection and FRENEMIES immediately reminded me of a quirky, fun friend from middle school. Then, if it's really, really good, I usually dream about that particular time period in my life. How do you know when you're falling in like or love with a book? Does anyone else dream about books or characters?
Have a great day!
I know I'm falling in love when
1) I can't put the book down
2) I immediately want to read it AGAIN as soon as I'm finished.
Some months, there are several books like that, some months, NONE. Those months are sad.
I know I love a book when I just can't put it down, even for things like eating and sleeping.
I know I don't love a book when I find myself skipping ahead by pages (or even, sometimes, to the end) just because I'm bored and want it to be *over*
Keri! You are awesome! I'm so glad you liked FRENEMIES and thank you so much for the Rock 'n' Read plug. It should be a blast (and the raffle prizes include signed copies of Keri's book, people!). XO
I know I'm in love when:
I can't put it down.
I think about it when I finally manage to put it down.
I dream about it.
I'm sad when it's over.
And thanks for the ROCK 'N' READ mention- I get to meet Alexa this weekend-- I'm so exicted!
Ooh, I know I'm in love when I wish I wrote it! Wish I could get to Rock n Read... can't wait to hear about it!
I'm so glad the workshop faciliation went well! That's huge!
And book reading has gone well for me lately, too. Must be that kind of summer!
Hi, Amy - Yes.. I know what you mean. But, I've only read one book twice.
Hi, Beth - I'm definitely guilty of skipping and running out of patience.
Hi, Alexa - Have fun!!!
Hi, Alyson - Wish I could be there.. Enjoy!!
Hi, Melissa - Me too. :)
Hi, PJ - Thanks. :) And I hope your book streak continues.
i love that word 'frenemies'! i think there's actually a sex and the city episode entitled 'frenemies'.
happy friday!
Hi, Viginia - I think so too. Hope you had a great weekend. :)
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