The middle school visit went great! It was so nice to be in the classroom again and talk with the teens. We had some great discussions about..
1. The students told me they like to read books that "keep it real". :)
2. The students buy books based on the summary on the back and the cover.
3. They like shorter books, but if a book is long, it better be really good or they won't read it.
On a side note: Why do I care? But, I do.. Way too much.. Currently, my latest celebrity obsession that's pulling me away from writing is...
Is Kate Hudson pregnant? There are some pictures floating around of Kate Hudson looking preggers. And who is the father? Justin Timberlake or Owen Wilson? Juicy stuff.. What's your latest celebrity obsession?
I'm still invested in the Britney saga. And Angie's pregnancy. :)
I know it's hard to keep up.. Brittany's looking good and I think Angie definitely has a bun in the oven. Keri :)
I'm glad your school visit went well. You're a brave woman!
I have to say I'm into Amy Winehouse and hoping not to see her in the press anytime soon, but she keeps popping up. That Amy.
Yeah, I know.. It would be nice to see her get better..
Sadly I must admit to being caught up in The Hills dramas--can't wait for it to start up again.
Hee hee--my word verification is :
Flux Gu
I'm looking forward to the new season, too.. I think it starts soon. :)
Glad to hear your reading went so well! And wait....Kate Hudson is with Justin Timberlake???
Yup.. That's what I heard. But, it's on the down low.
Yeah, I follow the Britney saga too!!! And Jamie.... oh and anything about Posh fascinates me...
Glad your school visit went well! They're a lot more nerve-wracking until you get there...and then they're just fun.
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