I think there is something wrong with me.
I dream A LOT.
Like this week...
I've already dreamed about this..

And this..

And this..

And it's only Wednesday.
I dream about this at least twice a month..

And this..

How about you? Do you dream? And if so what do you dream about?
Happy Wednesday! :)
That sounds like some crazy dreams! Clowns?! My most often recurring dreams involve tornadoes too. I get little freaked out when we have severe storms. I did a dream research project in 8th grade and wrote down dreams and analyzed them. I really think that dreams are so random though. I wonder why scientists don't know more about why we dream what we do.
Nah, you're not crazy. AT least, not as crazy as me. This week I had a dream combining C3PO, Capt. Jack Sparrow, and the round floating airships from a kid's tv show (Avatar, maybe?) It was weird.
Funny! I should pull out my dream book and see what they all mean. Especially the crab?????
I'd like to read that research paper, Kelly. Do you still have it?? :)
Okay, you win, Not Nessie! :) I'd like to analyze that one. :)
Hey, PJ! I looked up the crab. It meant mothering - maybe it has something to do with Kaci starting preschool this week. :)
Wow, you dream a lot! That's so cool! I'd especially enjoy dreaming about that fluffy, cuddly polar bear! I don't dream too often ... but when I do, they're crazy!
I love your post!
Nice blog!
Most of the time I don't remember my dreams when I wake up...but sometime down the road an incident will happen and I know that I dreamt it.
Hey, Kelly! I wish I didn't dream as much as I do.. :)
Thanks, Pam!
Hey, Dru! Very deja-vuish. :)
I love this post – hearing about other people’s dreams can be dull, but you get the message across in these images. I want the baby polar bear dream.
When I’m writing a first draft of a novel, sometimes the characters awake me with their chatter. I keep note cards and a pen in the bathroom for those moments. I haven’t been getting enough sleep to dream as of late.
Oh no, Sarah! Hugs on the lack of sleep. The notecards is a good idea. Thanks! ;)
least you didn't have a dream about a sea bass that turns into Chuck Bass.
I do dream. A lot. Especially this time of year before school starts and I have all those usual teacher dreams. Even after 28 years of teaching. ;-)
And yes, sometimes dreamscapes find their way into my fiction.
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