What do you think of the deal?
The teacher in me is thrilled. As long as teens are reading, I'm for any book or books they're interested in. The reader in me might read the books. Okay, I admit it, I probably will. I mean, I was first in line to buy and loved Pamela Anderson's two novels, STAR and STAR STRUCK. And the author in me is wondering how the books will sell. Do you think they'll hit the bestseller's list? Will you read the books?
Don't miss Brooke Taylor's enlightening and hilarious post about Conrad's deal here. :)
Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week! Thanks book bloggers for everything you do to promote authors, books, and reading. You guys are amazing. :)
Pretty Tough Tuesday: Check out a list of Facebook groups for fastpitch fans and players here.
Have an amazing day everyone! :)
The books will totally sell. Girls will eat this stuff up!
I've got Pamela Anderson's books too! LOL. And I also bought Nicole Richie's Truth About Diamonds. I will most certainly be buying the LA Candy series. I'm sure they will have their merits, and yes maybe faults, but ultimately be enjoyable reads. They will be best sellers, as I'm sure they publishing houses will give them a nice push and she certainly has the fan base.
Hi, PJ! Yup. :)
Hi, Brooke! Anderson's books are great. The whole time I wanted to know who was who. Like Jackie Collins stuff. I love it. So true. Loved your post! Hilarious. :)
teens will reading and as long as they are reading, we all win:)
Let's hope HarperCollins hires someone as talented as you to ghost write the novels!
Hi, Teri! Yes, so true. :)
Hi, PT! Ah, thanks.. ;) LOL
You'll know, if there's even a single coherent sentence, she had a ghost writer do it.
The deal makes me sick. Actual writers with something to say should be getting contracts, not someone who's famous for not doing anything except shallowly swanning around on tv behaving like a moron. But that's why I hate reality TV -- I don't think people should be rewarded -- especially not with millions --for being their worst selves.
I think I agree with the teacher in you...it's all about reaching the kids, right? I think there is room for all types of books.
I didn't know it was book blogger week!!!
Hope urs is a great one!!!
Hi, Devon! Hmmm.. Interesting points. :) There are many, many amazing authors out there who work really hard.
Hi, Angela! You too. :)
It'll definitely sell!
I had the same thought as Devon about ghost writers. I seriously doubt this chick will be writing them herself.
Eh...I'd be jealous of her book deal if I thought she'd actually be the ones writing the books.
She'll make money, sure. But I'm not expecting anything more than a rehash of Gossip Girls.
More Teen books about rich girls who get everything they want. Of course girls will buy it. That was a little mean but kind of true. But it's all good as long as they are reading.
Justin got the Wrock show! *gasp* and Lauren and I gave each other pink eye. Friends give friends their infections!
I miss Wednesdays.
I hate when celebrities turn writers! The public doesn't seem to mind. But, as I writer, I HATE it, but let me tell you how I really feel... Oh wait, I just did! Writing is an art that takes a lifetime to master. Just because they're famous, does not mean they can also sing, act, or G-d forbid, WRITE!
You know they're all ghost written.
One more thing... I'm not so sure I'm on board with the "as long as they're reading" angle either. Not to get argumentative, but I don't really agree. As a mother, I want my kids to read books that are well written and have meaning behind them. Reading purely for reading sake, seems to miss the point of reading altogether.
Hi, Jessica! So true. :)
Hi, Tori! Probably.
Hi, Beth! Yup. :)
HI, Kaitlyn! I miss you guys too!. :)
Hi, Sheri! So true.. You're not being argumentative. I enjoy hearing everyone's opinion. And you are right. Kids should read books with 'substance'.
I think good for her. If she has writing skills that's great and I'm sure the books will sell well!
I absolutely love The Hills! It's one of the only shows that I must watch. I've never been one to read books by celebrities but I say more power to her. I don't think one should discriminate between someone like Lauren Conrad having a book about her life versus some other person who might be famous or well-known for something considered more scholarly. She has an interesting perspective and people will be interested in her story...no matter who tells it.
I'm completely ok with the "as long as they're reading" point. People poo-poo on those who read chick lit and romance all the time because they don't think it has substance. Is it true? No. In terms of books for kids I know a lot of people who would not have picked up a book on their own when they were kids unless it was one that was "of less substance." Reading those books made them more comfortable with reading and more willing to try others.
i didn't know lauren conrad could read... :)
Looks like everything's been said! LOL...
I'm on the boat with Devon regarding getting a book contract just because you're a "name" AND with Sheri about wanting my DD to read books with the right information and substance. They don't have to be "classics" but I'd really rather not have her reading about teenaged sex, illicit drugs and back-stabbing rich girls. What's the point in that?
Hi, Kelly! Me too.
Hi, Stephanie! So true. When I was a teen all I wanted to read was books by Jackie Collins and books based on movies. I was definitely a 'reluctant reader'. :)
Hi, Virginia! :)
Hi, Marianne! Very true..
I love hearing everyone's opinions! Thanks for commenting. :)
Curious now to read Brooke's post...
Hi, Barrie! It's a good one. :)
Every time I try to leave a comment re this new book deal I realize that I don't like how I sound.
So I will say only this: I hope the books our outstanding. And I hope the author writes them.
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