Here's Derek Jeter's speech after the game. He's amazing.
Most of the time I avoid saying goodbye. Maybe it's change I don't handle well, but I hate endings. Beginnings are okay, but endings are gut wrenching. When I played my last soccer game, I cried like a baby and refused to take my uniform off. When I left my teaching job to work part time and stay home with my daughter, I left with a giant lump in my throat. Even when I'm writing an ending, I get emotional. Normally, I'm not a huge crier, but when it comes to saying goodbye I unload.
How do you feel about saying goodbye? Are you good at it? Or do you avoid goodbyes? Did you ever overreact to a simple goodbye?

Pretty Tough Tuesday: I had the pleasure of interviewing NCAA Collegiate Softball Player of the Year, Angela Tincher, last week. Tincher made softball history when she lead Virginia Tech to a no hit, shut out win against Team USA last spring. She's incredibly nice, humble, and an absolute joy to interview. Check it out here.
If I have to say goodbye, I do it quickly and then walk away. I'm not good with long goodbye because the tears would flow.
I enjoyed the whole farewell to yankee stadium. Did you watch the pre-game festivities? I want that diamond ball and bat.
I cry all the time. For me it's a result of having kids.
Except when I quit my job. Not a tear was shed :)
The older I get, the more sentimental I get. It's sad, really.
I do wish I'd had a chance to go inside the stadium, at least once in my life.
What will they do with site?
Hi, Dru! Me too. Yes, I really enjoyed the whole game.
Hi, PJ! So true. Ever since I had Kaci, I'm much more emotional.
Hi, Amy! So true.. I think it's going to be a parking lot for the new stadium. I wish they would turn it into a baseball museum or hold high school games there or something fun.
Some goodbyes are definitely tough. But....I'm always happy to see the end of a book I'm writing!! I think it's because revising comes next. And that's my favorite part.
I suck at goodbyes.
They never get any easier!
I cry at everything, can't seem to turn off the faucet, so goodbyes suck...
Hi, Barrie! Uh.. Not me. I like writing. Revising is like running, sometimes very painful, but worth it when you're done.
Hi, Alyson! Me too. :)
Hi, Marianne! Yes, they do. I never used to cry, but now since having my daughter, I swear I changed.
I'd rather have a quick goodbye than a long, drawn-out one.
Theatre is so transient, you're always saying goodbye to someone. Chances are, though, if you're all any good, you cross paths again.
I didn't watch the Yankee Stadium festivities. I think their management is respectful enough of the team's history to move as much intact and to respectfully begin new memories in the new stadium.
Baseball's not really my thing anyway -- ice hockey and horse racing are the two sports I cover the most, with a bit of sailing, archery, lacrosse, and fencing.
I don't know why baseball's never captured my imagination, but it just doesn't.
Hi, Devon! I agree with the quick goodbye. The Spring Training stadium - Legend's Field is a mini Yankees Stadium and I know the organization is doing a lot with the new stadium to keep tradition alive. I'm so excited to see the new stadium.
i apologize for being out of the loop--but what happened to yankee stadium? i'm unathletic and not really into baseball so my apologies! :)
i guess with some goodbyes, i dont think of it as permanent. im still a teen, living in a rather small town, so i always come back to the same ppl, and i have hope to see others in the future (like penpals). unless i want to say goodbye, then of course it's all good.
change, however, is something i throw a hissy-fit over- usually way in advance. in october of my 8th grade year, i was hysterical over having to go to high school soon, even tho it was almost a year away. come june, i was sick of middle school, n i love high school so far. im just weird like that.
n with stories im writing...well, i dont know if ive ever actually, really finished one. they either tend to die halfway through, or seem to linger on past their ending...
u really do need to do another workshop at the library sometime. we miss u ;-)
Hi, Virginia! No apologies. :) The Yankees are building a new stadium, so they're tearing down the old one.
Hi, Beth! I miss you guys too. :) Yes, I'm not very good with change either. :)
It depends on who I'm saying good-bye to. HAHAHA... someone I love or someone I dislike... Sometimes saying good-bye is a relieved moment if between two people that really need to part ways. Saying good-bye to my mom, when she passed way, still haunts me today...
Hi, Sheri! So true. Some goodbyes are easier than others. But, saying goodbye to mom. I'm so sorry. Sending bunches and bunches of hugs.
Goodbye is one of the worstest words to say. I like see you soon or something if I know I am going to be seeing them sometime because goodbye makes it seem like forever liek your never going to see that person again. I hate goodbyes I become an emotional wreck.
Goodbyes are hard but you can't hold on to things forever.
I'm awful with goodbyes. I've always been the type to want to sneak out the back door at parties...
Hi, Kaitlyn! I agree. Goodbyes suck.
Hi, Adrienne! Me too. :)
I hate goodbyes. I'm a sap.
Hi, Shari! Me too. :)
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