To celebrate this final month of summer, I'm giving away three incredible books: Linda Gerber's Death By Bikini, Cammie McGovern's Eye Contact, and Sue Monk Kid's The Secret Life of Bees.

Death By Bikini was fantastic. It's a great mystery filled with tons of suspense. In fact, when I read it last month, I seriously could not put it down. And the sequel, Death By Latte drops this September. Death By Bikini is in incredible shape because I didn't want to mess up it's amazing cover.
This year's South Jersey Mom magazine April Chick Lit Pick was Eye Contact. Another fantastic mystery. Two kids disappear behind an elementary school and one is found dead. The only witness? A nine year old boy with autism. This book blew me away and is loved.

Bees get angry in August. In fact, I've been stung three times in my life and each one occurred during the month of August. In celebration of mean bees, I'm giving away a third novel, a loved copy of The Secret Life of Bees, which is being made into a movie set to premiere this year. The Secret Life of Bees is a total classic and a must read. :)
To fight off the dog days of August, my hubby and I like to plan something fun. After a ton of thought, we're adopting an adorable Bichon Yorkie mix puppy named Benji later this month. What are you looking forward to doing in August? Any plans? Do you like August?
Here are the contest rules:
1. To enter to win, leave a comment about what you are planning to do during August or if you like or dislike August.
2. The contest ends at midnight on August 31st, 2008 and the winner will be posted on September 1st, 2008. My daughter will pick the winner out of a basket. :)
3. The contest is open to everyone. Don't be shy my writer friends. :)
4. If you post about the contest on your blog or MySpace, you automatically receive two entries.
Good Luck! TGIF! :)
August... well it's back to school Monday and it is so quick to get here. It seems as though the summer has ended so quickly and I still have so much to do on my summer "to do list." But the kids are ready to get back into a routine and I guess I am too. I'll be looking forward to next summer, as this one winds down... see you on myspace... Tana
August means field hockey tryouts! yay! running suicides in 100 degree weather! what could be better?
August... Hmmm...
The good? Home Grown Tomatoes!!
The bad? It's HOT!
The Ugly? Winters coming.
I plan on lots of HTML coding, writing and editing. And maybe eating the occasional watermelon.
Awesome contest! August is a good month I guess, except that its depressing because every day that passes by brings me closer to my senior year of high school :-x Im mostly going to be reading and reviewing books the whole month. And drooling over Breaking Dawn, and searching for Immortal Love Stories with Bite at Borders. Yay books!
My biggest plans for august are in the last weekend of august:
Here is the planning:
1 till 8 august:
Last week of summer vacation
I work in an afterschool care of a primary school, and this is the last week that we are open all day long. AFter that, my regular work schedule begins.(in school weeks we are open 3-6 pm)
8-till 29 august.
No big plans. Just working at my job. Working on my blog, reading and reviewing books.
29 august:
Work in the afternoon and after that I will go the wedding party of my niece!!!
30 august:
I will visit the Uitmarkt in Amsterdam. This is the opening every year of the theatre season (uit = out, like in going out, markt means market, there are many many performances and there is a big information market)
31 august:
I will go see Les Miserables!
A good friend of mine is alternate for the part of Jean Valjean in this official dutch performance of Les Mis. Les miserables played here already in '92, and I was too young to visit it then, but now I dont want to miss it!!
Well, since August is often hot and humid, the best thing to do is go to the cabin and play around in the lake with the kids and dog.
I generally like August. My 4-H check comes in August. But it is a bit sad too. ALthough, I was thinking about it the other day and I realized I'm kinda looking forward to going back to school. Weird....
Oh, I hate August. I get hot really easily, so summer in general is not cool to me (literally) and August is normally the worst. But now I start school at the end of the month and that's a bit creepy....i don't do well with change. so yeah, not the best month, but Breaking Dawn comes out tomorrow so yay!!!!
I like August quite a bit, but not as much as July. I'm a teacher, so the summers off are great, but August is always the month we start back to school. August 25th this year.
August...I don't really have any plans for August and I don't like or dislike it, but I do believe that it is quite disappointing that August is the only month without any holidays. :P
august, i must read read read of course.
and then do my summer assignments :( still have not done them yet :(
and thanks for reminding me (as you do every month) to post on my blog:
August is a love/hate month. I love it because it is hot and I hate it because it is hot. Haha. I will be looking for a job and MIGHT be going back to school in August.
August, a month to relax! Well not really. I just finished up with summer school. I just went out today looking for a job and got one immediately at Dairy Queen! I start tomorrow so I guess this month is just work.
faked_sugartone at hotmail.com
I love August! It's the last truly warm month before fall, and it's usually when a bunch of exciting things happen, like my birthday =D
I also like the fact that school starts right as August ends... I love school =D
I have a link to your contest on my sidebar =P
You contest is up on my blog now.
I will keep reading and reviewing books during Aug I will also keep attending my swimming lessons, i will (un)fortunately go back to school :( and i will try to have as much fun as possible.
August. It means back to school. It SUCKS! Trust me, kids, teachers hate going back to school more than you do!!!!!!!!!!
PS--I've got a link to this on my blog...as well as a shiny new review :)topsz
Those sound like some very good books!
I don't much like August because it's so HOT and because my kids are getting antsy and grouchy and ready to be back in school. (I like it again on the 25th, because they will be! ;) )
August is the last month before school starts! I always go back-to-school shopping during August. I like August because it's the last chance to enjoy summer before hitting the books again (textbooks, I mean).
Blogged about your contest here.
As always, thanks for the contest and have a great day! =)
Hey Keri! Please enter me. You're giving away some great books. I've been wanting to get my hands on Death by Bikini for quite a while now. And the other two books sound amazing. =)
And I like August. This month I'm not planning on doing much besides reading and working. I got a job at a movie theater at the beginning of last month and I'm loving it so far. I still haven't seen a free movie yet though. Hopefully I'm going to see The Dark Knight with my sister this week though yay!
August? Hubby's birthday month! Woohoo!!
bunnybx at gmail .c om
Plans for August:
- part time job
- Canada's Wonderland (season pass!)
- reading
- bbq parties
- beach parties
- watch much-awaited movies like The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
- get ready for school
Please enter me in the giveaway. I blogged about your contest here:
Thank you so much. =)
Carmen T
I love August, even though I am at work.... I love the back to school shopping (providing I can get great deals and have the $) I like getting the kids ready for school, meeting the teacher, etc... and this August I will be heading to my FIRST National Sweepstakes Convention in San Antonio TX over Labor Day weekend!
Well I kind of love and hate Aygust. I love it becasue it is Volleyball Season begins!!!! But along with volleyball here comes school again.O well i still love it better than July.
i read the secret life of bees earlier this year--you're right. a must read! :) i'm not sure how i feel about dakota fanning playing lily though...
I like August when I have lots to do. There's a great sense of deadline (summer work, school's coming) and you also are forced to cram in all the stuff you wanted to be doing all summer.
This summer has rocked so far, compared to past summers of theater camp and moving.
Hi, Tana! Me too. :)
Hi, Books-a-lishious! I don't miss hot practices. Good luck. :)
Hi, Marianne! Yum, Watermelon. :)
Hi, Book Girl! Thanks. Senior Year. Enjoy!
Hi, Marjolein! Wow! Have fun!
Hi, Janel! I agree. :)
Hi, Compulsive Reader! That's not weird. I remember missing school too.
Hi, Lauren! What did you think of Breaking Dawn?
Hi, Book Boy! Have a great year. :) I go back September 3rd.
Hi, Cyndi! I never thought about that. Maybe, that's why it's tough to get through. We need to add a holiday. :)
My entry… (Ahem…)
August, Do I like it, Yes or No?
Hmmm… well, from teaching for so many years, I learned to fear August. August meant that summer was coming to an end, school was about to begin, and the days would start getting shorter, darker, and colder… August was a bell tolling in the not-so-distant distance. My August this year so far isn’t shaping up to look any better. I look like a walking triage center.
I have…
1. a band-aid on my right finger from slicing it open on, of all things, a nail file!
2. a band-aid on my right foot from throwing-Mommy-in-the-pool-joke-gone-wrong
3. splotches of pink anti-itching cream from weeding obviously something I am allergic to that has now spread into angry itchy bumps all over both my arms, legs, and left foot
4. And as if all of this wasn’t bad enough… I found a dark mark (sounds like something out of a Harry Potter book) on my left leg that was promptly removed yesterday by a dermatologist. OUCH! So I have a thick bandage on my left leg now to boot.
All of this happened between August 3rd and August 4th... So, I am not feeling much love towards August at the moment… July was band-aid-less btw… (I am linking your contest to my blog today. Wish me luck that I don’t hurt a finger in the process…)
For the first part of August I'm cramming in as much friend time as possible as I leave for school on the 16th!! It's though leaving in the middle of high school, but hey it's all for a good education. Then the second half of August I'm at school...YEAh!! Yah I know I'm one of the few who is actually excited about school!! Overall I love August, except I would prefer it to be a tad cooler.
I really want to read these books they've been on my wishlist for awhile, you always give away great books Keri. Well, please enter me! And have a good last month of summer, Ciao!
I love August because it's finally WARM here! I plan to go to a family reunion late in August, and other than that, just read and write and hang at the beach as much as possible. Oh yeah, and go to work when I absolutely have to. ;)
During August I plan to read a lot! Up until August 18. That's when school starts and I will still read, just after I do homework and everything else.
I linked your contest on likeomgteensread.com's myspace at myspace.com/likeomgteensread all the way on the bottom where it says Contests.
First, I can't believe its all ready August!! I plan on working, reading, going to NYC for a weekend and celebrating my birthday!
First, I can't believe its all ready August!! I plan on working, reading, going to NYC for a weekend and celebrating my birthday!
agh...why is August here already? That means school, but it also mean volleyball (Yay!). School, though, means hard classes, lots of homework, and tests. Tests on the first day, no less. ugh. But it'll be made better if I can win books! *wink* So enter me, please, of course.
August--it's a love/hate relationship for me.
Love because it's hot and it's the month I was born (I'll be 33 on the 30th).
Hate because August means back to school, which takes me away from my kids and sends me back to work.
I have mixed feelings about August. I like and enjoy August because I have no school. And I do enjoy shopping for Back to School clothes. But I don't like actually going back to school. hehe Because I also have to finish a whole load of summer assignments! :(
Anyway, please enter me for this awesome contest! As for extra entry I will post a link to this contest on blog (can be found in the right side bar)
Hmm August for me brings- New Glasses (which i dub dorky or not so it can be good or bad), School shopping (I like shopping for school supplies but i hate shopping for clothes), School (which i am completely nervous AND excited for). I guess August can be good or bad for me. I just try to take it all in stride
Please enter me in the contest! I added you to my contest list so that's two entries! woot!!
My plans for august include going to school and getting the highest grades i possibly can so i will be allowed to go to concerts later this year!
my email is electrocameratricks@yahoo.com
August means the last-ditch attempts to see my friends as much as possible =)
hmmm what i'm gonna do in august, well the rest of it anyway, READ READ READ and read some more, including the books i have to read for school that i just don't wanna read! --and hopefully win some books to read haha
lc_intocable at yahoo.com
August means kids going back to school. It's also a time I start reminising about the past. Crazy Huh?
August is fun because I attended High School Musical on Ice and it was a blast! :)
sena.sagani at gmail dot com
Hi, Book Muncher! I hate missing out on contests, so I try to remind everyone through MySpace and Facebook that I can. :) Have fun reading!
Hi, Meredith! Yes, I agree with the love/hate thing. :)
Hi, Bishiesruleme! Congrats on the Dairy Queen job! Do you get free ice cream? Yum. :)
Hi, Chelsie! Thanks for the link.. ;) Have a great first day!
Hi, Book Boy! Thanks!
Hi, Carol! Sounds like fun. How are the swimming lessons going? :)
Hi, Beth! Yes, I know what you mean. I'm back in the classroom the Tuesday after Labor Day. :(
Hi, Alyssa! :) Almost there.
Hi, Book Books! Thanks for posting. :) Have fun shopping. :)
Hi, Breanna! Sure.. Thanks. How's the movie theatre job? :) Sounds fun.
Hi, Bunny! Happy Bday, Bunny's hubby! Enjoy. :)
August this year is kind of a letdown cause we just got back the end of July from our big vacation, a cruise to Alaska. August is too hot!
digicat AT sbcglobal.net
Usually, August is one of my favorite months -- LOTS of time at the beach late in the day. But this year, I'm doing a lot of commuting and babysitting and have hardly been to the beach at all!! Hope September is better. Thanks for offering such a great giveaway -- hope you pick my name!!
Hi, C-Alexis! Canada's Wonderland sounds fun.. Is it like a carnival or more like Disney World?
Hi, Micaela! Yes, there are some great deals. :) Enjoy the convention!
Hi, MSHersheyNerd! Love the name. Good luck with volleyball! :)
Hi, Virginia! Hmm.. When does the movie come out?
Hi, Sheri! Yikes. I hope the rest of August is much smoother.
Hi, Tasha! How exciting! Good luck at school! :)
Hi, Book-adorer! Thanks.. :) Good luck.
Hi, Shari! Enjoy the weather.. Where do you live?
Hi, Vanessa! Thanks.. Read any good ones lately?
Hi, Anonymous! Happy Birthday!
Hi, Heather! Good luck with your volleyball season! :)
Hi, Rebecca! I agree. I have the same feelings towards August. :)
Hi, May! Thanks for posting. And yes, I agree with you about August.
Hi, Amanda! Thanks.. The glasses in your pic look great. :) I wear glasses too. After my daughter broke mine, I went to get new ones and was in a daring mood. I bought blue Vogue glasses.. :)
Hi, Jordan! Good luck!
Hi, Diana! Have fun! ;)
Hi, Robin! Read any good ones lately?
Hi, Kimmy! No way.. I know what you mean. :)
Hi, Sena! My niece went and loved it. :)
Hi, Carol Sue! Hope you enjoyed Alaska! I heard it's beautiful.
Hi, Gwendolyn! Thanks. Have fun babysitting. Hope you're making oodles of cash. :)
It's a bit late for August, but what I did do during August was not really interesting. I watched the Olympics, entered contests online, and procrastinated. Hopefully September will be more active (and I'll win something).
I'm not thrilled with August--here in the Central Valley of California where I live it's HOT HOT HOT in August!
I would love to win those books! August makes me wish that it would NEVER end because then no school. yaay! August is equivalent to Sunday's don't you think? I'm most probably going to eat, sleep, start my summer assignment (yes you read that right-just starting bad, bad me) and try hard to enjoy it. And try not to be so addicted in going online and reading author blogs. lol
-M&A (my initials)
Hi, Paradox! Sounds like my August. Good luck. :)
Hi, Kristine! It's hot here too.. Stay cool. :)
Hi, Booksrmylife! Yes, you're right. August is like Sunday. Good luck with your assignments. :)
The bast: fresh veggies!!!
HI, VT Girl! Yummy. :)
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