I don't know if it's my end of summer ten day cold or a serious case of Post Olympic Depression, but I've been having some wacky dreams lately. Actually, I tend to experience two particular dreams a lot. And whenever I wake up from a crazy dream, I usually head over to Dreamota to analyze it.
1. Tornadoes - During the past ten years, I consistently dream about tornadoes. I'm terrified of tornadoes. Okay, I've never actually witnessed one, but they look really scary on television. Usually, the tornado is heading my way, I hide with a mattress over my head, and it never hits. Interpretation: Sudden emotional upheaval. Yikes.
2. Polar Bears - This one is particularly strange, since I live in New Jersey and I've never even seen a polar bear before. But this giant white polar bear chases me, my hubby, and my daughter through the woods. Interpretation: Mothering or hibernation. Or it can mean someone is being overbearing and/or I need to bare my soul. Hmmm...
Do you dream? Did you ever have a strange dream? Do you interpret your dreams? If so, what do your dreams mean? Anyone else out there dream about natural disasters or large animals? :)
Kudos to USA Soccer star, Carli Lloyd, from Delran, New Jersey who scored the game winning goal against Brazil to win Olympic gold. My hometown is literally minutes from Delran and they're consistently a girl's soccer powerhouse. :) Congratulations, Carli! And congratulations, Mr. Croly, coach of the Delran High School girl's soccer team and one of the best teachers and coaches ever!
Pretty Tough Tuesday: Miss the Olympics? Battle the post Olympic blues here.
Have a great day everyone!
You'd never want to live in IL! We had tornadoes every spring and it's not fun hiding under stairs in your basement. *shudders*
Hi, Jessica! What a nightmare!! :)
Wow - never had the polar bear dream or the tornado dream!
I have the one where you're back in college and you realize you've skipped a class every single time and you're going to get an 'F'.
I've never analyzed any of my dreams! I've had some recurring dreams over the years but I just never had a desire to delve into them.
I never felt a fear for tornadoes, oddly enough. I always thought it was neat to watch them form way off in the distance and my mother would be yelling at me to go down to the basement instead of sitting on the front steps. :)
HI, PJ! Oh, I've heard of that one. :) Yikes.
Hi, Stephanie! Wow. I can't imagine sitting on the step and watching a tornado. You are one brave soul. :)
polar bears! that sounds fun. as long as i'm observing them at a distance... :)
Hi, Virginia! My 'dream' polar bear is big and scary, but has this really beautiful white coat. :)
I dream I'm in Paris a lot-- have no idea what it means, but I'm always a little bummed when I wake up and realize I'm not really there!
Hi, Alyson! Wow, Paris. :) That's so much better then bears and tornados. :)
I used to dream a lot. Probably still do but I don't remember them much these days which is a sad, sad thing. I used to get fun ideas for stories from my weird dreams. *g*
I used to love storms but having lived through a tornado two years ago, they've lost their appeal.
Hi, Tori! I can't believe how many people have actually experienced tornadoes. Yikes. And yes, I wasn't satisfied with my SCREWBALL 2 ending and then, on Sunday night I had a dream about the ending. And now I love it. :)
One of the coolest classes I took in college was Freudian dream analysis. OK, he was pretty wacky, but his way of free association has helped me analyze many a dream. See, these dream dictionaries, although really cool and fun, aren't accurate because different objects/events mean different things to each of us.
So according to Freud, here's what you do. Take your dream and free associate on different aspects of it. For example, I will do polar bear for myself. For you, obviously these answers would be different... big, cold, white, Alaska, fear, vulnerable... AH... Maybe I feel vulnerable about something. To discover what that might be I would then associate other parts of the dream (husband... daughter... and so on) until I end up with a sentence that when I say it out loud resonates as truthful within me. Give it a try...
My DH dreamed last night that I was hit by lightning and killed.
Should I worry?
I'm leery of most sites/books that claim they can interpret dreams. I think if you sit and untangle them, you can figure them out.
My gut reaction on tornados: What feels out of control in your life?
Polar bears: polar bears are among the strongest animals on earth, yet they're also endangered. Are you feeling threatened?
Both, to me, seem like anxiety and loss-of=control symbols.
But that's through my own refraction. They might mean something quite different to you. Think about them and see what feels right -- you'll know in your gut when you're hit it.
I have anxiety dreams, which are usually directly related to what's going on in my life that I'm not dealing with, and it's pretty easy to untangle the symbolism
Prophetic dreams, where I dream pretty clearly about something that's going to happen and it's pretty accurate -- but if I remember in time, I can make it turn out differently
Answer dreams -- when I need to sort something out and I question before I go to sleep, and the answer is worked out in dreamtime.
Your wacky dreams sound scary! I have weird dreams, but they aren't scary...just weird. :)
Hi, Sheri! Hmm.. Interesting class. I'm going to try this. Thanks! :)
Hi, Marianne! Yikes. :)
Hi, Devon! Wow! Thanks for analyzing my dream. Yes, I think you're right on with not dealing with something.
Hi, Beth! Yes, they are kind of scary. :)
last summer i kept dreaming about elevators. dont know why, it just kept popping up. also, drowning has popped up quite a bit in my dreams. it hasnt lately, though. those dreams were really freaky, i would wake up holding my breath or something...i definitely agree that dream books/sites are inaccurate, no one can tell you whats going on in your own mind without meeting you. but i think you can try to figure out a meaning for yourself. hey, have ur dreams ever coincided? like, ur being chased by a polar bear during a tornado?
Hi, Beth! I think I would have a heart attack if they coincided. :) I always believed dream analysis. Thanks so much for the tips. :) An elevator and drowning? Hmmm..
I think most writers have bizzarre dreamsd. And we don't even have to be asleep;-)
Hi, Teri! So true. :)
I love remembering my dreams and hearing my kids' dreams!
You made some good points there. I did a search on this topic and found most people will agree with your blog. Thanks
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