I absolutely adore the holiday season. Besides summer, the holidays are my favorite time of year. Tons of family time, gift giving, decorations, carols, shopping, twinkly lights, and parties. In fact, some of my best life moments happened during the holiday season. My daughter's birthday is December 7th. My hubby asked me to marry him in New York City during the holidays. And the first ARC of SCREWBALL arrived at my doorstep a few days after Christmas last year.
I'm so excited to give away two of my most recent favorite reads: Lauren Myracle, Maureen Johnson, and John Green's Let It Snow: Three Holiday Stories and Stephanie Kuehnert's I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone. Also, as a special holiday gift, I'm including a Twilight movie poster. Why am I in such a festive mood already? Because I'm about to announce amazing novel news and I'm flying to Texas next weekend to sign books and hang out with USA Softball superstar, Natasha Watley. :)

Want a perfect way to get into the holiday spirit? Let it Snow: Three Holiday Stories is a fantastic seasonal story collection. All the stories interconnect in a way only Myracle, Johnson, and Green can do it. In fact, I'm about to read this one again, I liked it so much.
I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone is a wonderful novel about music, friendship, finding yourself, and the pitfalls along the way. Stephanie sucked me right in on page one and never let me go. After finishing the book, I was burning with tons of questions for Stephanie about her writing style, the characters, and setting. Stephanie was kind enough to answer each one. I'll be posting the interview on Tuesday.
And check out this small TWILIGHT poster (it's double sided) I'm including with the giveaway:

To enter to win two books and a poster, this month's question is: Are you a giver or a receiver? What do you like better? To give presents or to receive them? Or what is the best present you ever gave or received?
I used to be a definite receiver, but now, I seriously love giving presents. Watching my daughter's eyes light is absolutely amazing. And, of course, I love spoiling my nieces. My best present? Definitely my daughter. :)
Here are the contest rules:
1. To enter to win the above mentioned two books and poster, leave a comment telling me about whether you are a giver or receiver or the best present you ever gave or received.
2. The contest ends at midnight on December 14th, 2008 and the winner will be posted on December 15th, 2008. A family member will pick the winner (including my dog at times).
3. The contest is open to everyone. Don't be shy, my writer friends.
4. If you post the contest on MySpace or your blog, you automatically receive two entries.
Good luck, everyone!! :)
Hey, the contest ends on my birthday!
Sometimes I am a receiver, and sometimes I am a giver. I love getting gifts and the surprise behind it.
But I also love giving gifts and seeing their face when they see what I got them. Or what I made them, which is about 50% of the time!
I think the best gift that I gave was a blanket that I crocheted for my best friend and her husband for their wedding present. It was black and red-her favorite colors & wedding colors. And it was huge! I made it big enough that they could cover both of them while they are watching movies, a favorite past-time of theirs. She loved it so much when she saw it. and now, she hardly ever lets her hubby use it!
I also made a baby blanket for her this year when she found out she was having a baby, and she just loved it.
She really appreciates the time and effort that I take to put into these gifts.
Which is why I always take the time to think about who I am giving a gift to, and what they would like.
Hi, Meredith! The 14th is my best friend's bday too! Great day. :) Yes, home made gifts are the nicest to give and receive.. :) I went through a knitting period when I was pregnant with Kaci. Once I gave birth, it went away. I think my family is very happy - I wasn't very good. :)
I love the receive gifts more than giving presents. Lol, what can I say? I am very greedy. When I give presents, I tend to be very generous about it. Though I do get mad about slipping away too much money.
I have received so many things that I don't have a favorite present received. Though I have a Precious Moment to my friend, so expensive that little thing!
Oh, and I've blogged about it!
Let It Snow is awesome. Lauren's Uncle is going to start breeding Tea Cup pigs. I want one so bad.
By the way I am going to attempt to do NaNoWriMo this year but my computer and the website are not getting along so I am having issues filling everything out.
Hi, Diana! Thanks for blogging about the contest. :) Yeah, a part of me still likes receiving better then giving. Especially on my birthday. :) Precious Moments are soo cute. :)
Hi, Kaitlyn!! I want to see a little piggy. So cute. :) You should definitely do it!!! I joined last week. Good luck.
I like giving more than receiving. A few Christmas's ago, I asked my sisters what they wanted most, and bought that and something else for them. I used my own money for it, too. I was 12. It was so fun to look at their faces when they opened their gifts. For my dad's b-day this year, I made him some homemade chocolate toffee. It was so much more fun to make something than it would be to buy him a gift he was expecting. He, and the rest of my family, loved it. I was so happpy they did, too, because it didn't come out exactly as it was supposed to.
I enjoy giving things, and this year all i ask for Christmas is a couple books. I feel bad whenever i get a gift i won't use, but maybe once. I know how tight money is at the moment. Books are the only things that last a long time. You can read them over and over and the story never gets old. Then you can donate it so other people will be able to read them.
This Christmas, i hope to be able to buy/make something for all of my family members.
p.s. this is the third time i've typed this. My internet stop every time someone uses the phone, and i've just been very unlucky. Each time, it's gotten shorter and shorter, though.
Well, I think everyone loves to receive gifts! It's so exciting to unwrapp a gift and find out what's inside - sometimes it's great and sometimes it's...well your grandma doesn't know that much about fashion, does she?
I love to give away gifts when I know that it's something that person will love. A gift you are so happy and pleased with, and the receiver adores. That's a special feeling!
/ Sara L
I like to both give presents and recieve them. I like giving them a bit more.
The best gift,I got was a laptop and the best gift I gave was a photo book for my mom.
I'm half-half. I love to give gifts that I think my friends/family members will love, but every once in a while I hit a dry spell and can't think of an awesome gift. It's those times when I'm not sure about giving gifts away. This year I have an awesome gift for a friend! Since she's a huge HUGE Harry Potter fan I've decided to get her the 1-7 box set. But shhh don't tell her that I'm giving it to her though ;)
I also love getting gifts! Especially when it's a book that has been on my wish list for over a year. It makes me feel happy that my friends actually listen to my ramblings about books that I absolutely must have and take down mental notes about it XD.
I must get that Twilight poster *mental note for an advance Christmas present while drooling* Let It Snow: Three Holiday Stories and Stephanie Kuehnert's I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone sounds totally fabulous as well!
Thanks for the terrific holiday giveaway Keri!~ I shall now sprinkle fairy dust on this post and hope that my comes out =)
Gift-giver definitely. I pride myself on going above and beyond and getting really personal presents for my friends and family. I give a lot of homemade gifts to my family, but splurge on pretty things for my friends.
Besides, who would say they like receiving best?
I love to receive give and give gifts away! If I don't give a gift to a person then I'll feel extremely guilty because he/she spent money and time on me and I just have to repay them. It's a moral thing to me I guess XD
The most memorable present I received was this snowman my friend made me. The body was made from 3 marshmallows and the hat was made from a junior mint. She used a fruit roll-up for the scarf and pretzel sticks for the arms/nose. I thought it was too adorable to eat~ She even put my initials on the stomach XD
aimme21 at yahoo dot com
haha, i'm definitely a receiver. i <33 receiving gifts :)
but giving them are fun too but just too time consuming since it's so hard to figure out what I should give to people
i'll love to win this contest. thanks
Oh, please enter me! How exciting.
Let's see...I guess i'm both, but i'm definitely big on giving people gifts. I think i give people better gifts then i get sometimes, but it's alright...as long as they like what i gave them.
as for good gifts...hmm..i made my sister two scrapbooks and i like hers better then the ones i made myself! LOL
it was just fun and she likes them.
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Sadly but surely, I'm definitely a receiver. Giving gifts are fun, if I'm not the one paying for them, if not, I'm like Mr. Krabs. hehe. But I do like to give, especially if it puts a smile on someone's face.
My favorite gift, as you've probably guessed would be money. I'm a sucker for those dollar $ign$.
*I posted a link on www.trublu93.blogspot.com
december bdays r really common, arent they? i know at least one for almost every day of the first two weeks of the month.
im not really much of a giver or receiver. i really like it when i give a gift that goes appreciated, but more often than not i totally miss and get something that's never used. i think the most appreciated gift i ever gave, besides the corny homemade type given to my mother, would be the calendar book of writing prompts i gave my friend for xmas last year, she loved it, at least thats what she told me several times. its so hard to think of something really good, half the time i end up doing a gift thats some kind of inside joke. its especially hard to buy for guys, dont u think? food usually works, tho.
i guess i like receiving gifts, but it makes me feel guilty if someone gets me something better than i got them, or if i dont like it even tho i know they tried. this year, i think my mom wants to get me an ipod and a guitar, and ive actually been trying to talk her out of it. id like either, but both are expensive, and it would at least be difficult getting music for an ipod, since my computer sucks. i already have a nice guitar, tho its really old and rather fragile...
I love to give. The best gift I gave dinner to a cancer patient who just had surgery. It felt good to give up my dinner one night to give her family one.
Hi, Moriah! Great comment. It is a wonderful feeling to give. And I second the books. Nothing is better then a nice new book to dive into. :)
Hi, Sara L! It's such a wonderful time of year. To unwrap gifts and give. :)
Hi, Sarah Bear! A photo book is such a nice present to receive. And a laptop! Nice. :)
Hi, Yan! You're welcome. Good luck. And I second when someone gives you something that you don't ask for, but you know they were paying attention. :)
Hi, Gabbi! Me too..
Hi, Amy! How sweet. :)
Hi, Stephanie! Good luck. :)
Hi, Lauren! I did that once. I made my hubby a sports scrapbook and liked his better. :)
I love giving gifts. Before I had kids, I enjoyed recieving them... after children, I loved giving them. So exciting.
I think, especially now that I have kids, I'm a giver. But...the best gift I ever received was from my mother. It was a miniature Christmas tree with little wrapped boxes (they were empty match boxes). Each box had money in it. Maybe a dollar bill? I forget now. And..have fun in Texas!
Oh, Keri, I ADORED Let It Snow, it was so interesting to see the way these authors (all of whom I love anyway!) blend their voices and storylines together. What a great pick, Keri!
I'm definitely a giver. While receiving presents is always nice, I love that feeling of finding just the right gift for a friend or family member. Though, I'm so bad...normally I find the gift way ahead of the holiday and can't wait to give it to the intended person - so people are always getting Christmas presents in October and such.
p.s.: Speaking of giving...you've been awarded the "I Love Your Blog!" award over at First Edition!
I prefer being a giver. It's so fun to find something that I know will delight my kids, or to put my heart into creating something especially for someone.
Two of the best gifts I've received came from my DH -- my sweet Ibanez acoustic guitar, and the laptop on which I'm pursuing my passion for writing. :) (My DH knows me so well.)
btw, I was so excited when I discovered "Let It Snow" -- can't wait to read that one!
I definitely enjoy the giving for Holidays! There's just something about getting the perfect gift for someone. Not that this is easy... far from it! I'm really, really, really late on most gifts for things like Birthdays because it takes me awhile to come up with exactly what to get. The choices! So difficult! I'm so glad my friends and family don't hate me for being late all the time. This is not to say that I don't enjoy being on the receiving end tho... ;)
I've received some pretty awesome gifts in the past. Calendars that I coveted, planners, tea kettles, my American Girl doll when I was in elementary school, the P&P boxed movie set (before DVDs!), my favorite perfume, etc. It means a lot to me that family and friends were listening.
Btw...where will you be visiting in Texas? :)
Hello! I would love to be entered in the contest!
I'm probably an equal giver or receiver. I love getting gifts (who doesn't?) but I love to see what other people think of the gift I get them.
I posted this contest on my blog:
Keri: haha that's funny, but at least you liked it! that sounds like a fun gift...a sports scrapbook. :)
I blogged about this now too!
I'm a giver. And I'm an obsessive giver. Everything has to be wrapped just so, with color coordinating ribbon and everything. But the best gift ever is one that my hubby got me our first Christmas together. The theme was "Things Carrie Loves," and he kept building up to this one lumpy package. I was in agony trying to figure out what it was.
He wrapped a potato. I love potatoes.
Hi, Trublu93! Money is always good. :)
Hi, Beth! I like the inside joke gifts. And, yes, guys can be tough to buy for. Where did you get the calendar of writing prompts? :)
Hi, CPullum! What a wonderful gift. And what an amazing feeling to be able to help a cancer patient. There is way too much cancer out there. :(
Hi, Robin! Sounds adorable.
Hi, Teri! I know what you mean. I love picking out toys for Kaci. :)
Hi, Barrie! Thanks.. What an adorable thoughtful gift.
Hi, Mary! Thanks for the award!! :) Yes, LET IT SNOW is fantastic and the authors are amazing. You have lucky friends and family.
Hi, Shari! It's a goody. A laptop! :) Nice.
Hi, Stephanie! It is an amazing feeling to receive a gift that someone truly thought out. :) Or someone made. I'll be in Houston this weekend for a book signing. My first Texas visit.
Hi, Megan! Me too. Thanks for posting. :)
Hi, Lauren! Thanks.
Hi, Carrie! I think I'm a little obsessive too.. I was already out this weekend looking for the perfect gift for my nieces with their coordinating wrapping paper. Awe.. No wonder you married him. :)
I like giving gifts better than receiving -- it's a great feeling to see a person's smile when you've given them a really great present.
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
I wanna win! I'd love the books...and I'd give the poster to some of my obsessed high schoolers who are reading Twilight until it literally falls apart.
Great contest, Keri! :)
I'm half and half. I love getting gifts and also adore seeing the looks on friends' faces when I give them presents.
The best gift I ever gave, according to my parents, was dedicating my first book to them.
The best present I've ever received was a cat on my 14th birthday. :)
For a long time I was more of the reciever. My famous motto was: Gimme some presents! Now that I'm older I'm more of a giver. Espeically when it comes to my neice right when she gives me "that look". You know the puppy dog eyed look or her famous line is "Man I wish I could have that." I'm such a sucker that I do it. There are some things at a store or even an idea I get to make. So yeah I'm way more of a giver now than I was before.
The best present I have ever recieved was when I was 6 years old. Christmas morning I woke up to see this giantic (well it was giantic back then to me anyways) dollhouse sitting in the living room. It was all handmade, with actual capret and little curtains, etc.
I really love giving presents, if only because you get to enjoy it longer. There's the hunt for the perfect gift - something that the receiver will enjoy and that has meaning coming from you. Then you get to find the perfect paper or bag and make it look pretty . . . and you get to watch them pull that wrapping away.
The best give I ever gave is a pair of electric scissors. I really am getting better at this.
Where are you going to be in Texas?
*Nvm, I see someone already asked that question.
Man, I won't be back in Houston 'til the 27th.
I'm definitely a giver. I love to make people happy. it gives me more satisfaction to give a gift than to recieve one. gifts dont make me happy, making others happy makes me happy.
I know I'm supposed to say that I love giving gifts, and how that makes me a good person.
But really, who doesn't love getting a meaningful present, never mind when or why, from someone who loves them?
Not that I don't like giving presents - besides the fact that I never know what to get.
i'm not sure why, but it won't let me post a comment.
hopefully this will post.
i'm a giver.
giving someone, anyone, any gift of some sort and seeing the look on their face, is a gift well given.
i don't think that a gift can only be something bought with money, it can be love, it can be family, and it can be friendship.
everything is a gift in one way or another.
ps- i blogged about it..
Are you a giver or a receiver? What do you like better? To give presents or to receive them? Or what is the best present you ever gave or received?
I am a little of both: giver and receiver. I love to give gifts on a whim... if I see something that someone else would love or find useful, I'll get it for them. I love seeing people happy over something thoughtful I did. But it's always fun to get something unexpected once in awhile.
And as far as the best present given or received, I'd have to say I honestly don't know. I don't usually pay that much attention to the gifts themselves... nothing is really coming to mind.
I posted a link to your contest in my sidebar =D
I am a giver. I love seeing the looks on faces when I give them a present they really enjoy. I can't really choose the single best gift I've given. I really like most of them.
In my childhood years, I was definately a reciever, and who isn't really? But now I'd have to say I'm a giver. I enjoy seeing my family's face light up when they open presents. Especially my brother, since I always seem to know what to get him.
On a funny sidenote, I'm being such a giver this year, I can't even think of anything I want to recieve! My parents are upset that they don't have any ideas from me this year... :-)
since im a mother of 3 and granmother, i LOVE given
but being a only child myself, i was always used to getting presents
and i do miss that but watching my 3 yr granchild squeal with delight in alot better though
I am a little of both!
I love to receive presents and love to give them too.
My favorite present.. hmmm.. I am not sure I love all the presents I receive! I am not that great of a giver though I can never seem to find the perfect thing unlike some people who can. (:
(ohh,blogged about it,!)
You're always a giver, Keri, because you give out books every month. Thanks so much!
I'm more of a receiver, sadly. I don't have a lot of money since I don't work yet and stuff. So I mostly receive presents. Hopefully soon when I start working I'll be able to buy presents for my loved ones and become a giver. :)
Here's the blog post about it on my blog: http://whatvanessareads.wordpress.com/contests-click-here-to-win-stuff/
Thanks so much,
whatvanessareads (at) gmail.com
I am definately a giver. I love to receive books too, but i love shopping more. it's nice to make someone soooo happy!
The best thing I gave was a book that my friend wanted to read REALLY bad. She was so excited.
I added your contest to my sidebar.
I'd definitely say that I'm a reciever. I guess that's my selfishness shining through, but who doesn't love a good present? The best gift I've ever received (although it technically wasn't mine, and it wasn't a gift, per se)was my cat Vlad. My sister came home with him on Christmas to be our pet and aside the initial excitement-"That kitty is SO adorable!" and than cuddling him to death-I absolutely cannot imagine my days without him. If he was a girl and a human, he would be me. It was like he was born to be my pet. I bet it's a bit silly putting a cat on such a high pedestal, but I love him and he shows me what I'm going to be when I grow up. A cat lady.
I am about to mention your contest on my blog. No worries. My email is tired_of_typing_nicknames@yahoo.com
I'm definitely a giver! I love putting together gifts and picking out great gift wrap or bags. Picking out cards, ribbons and even color coordinating the gifts I give someone makes my day. =)
Let it Snow is on my list! I love Christmas stories (and Christmas)!
I think i'm a bit of both. I love the warm feeling of giving, and I love to try to give useful things that I know people will really use but also like. And I always include a handmade greeting card with a handwritten note. I love receiving the little things in life, even just a handwritten note or a photo of a friend and I are both simple yet really great gifts because it shows that the person cares about you enough to think about you! Thank you for entering me, I'd love to read these books and I'd be sure to share them with friends to read too if I won.
I am both a giver and a receiver; I love watching the anticipation and surprise on someone's face when they open their presents, but it's always fun to get things that you've been dying to own.
I think the best gift I've ever given was for my sister's birthday; I used the last of my birthday money to pay for it. Actually it was sort of a joint present my sister bought her a pair of black converse and I bought her a pair of Ursula shoelaces along with an Ursula pin and Cheese pen. I loved that she was so happy with her present.
I think the best gift that I've ever received would be a poem my sister wrote me for my birthday; I almost cried when I read it.
Oh, and I posted about the contest on my sidebar.
The greatest gift I received was a Christmas gift when I was eight. A week or two before the occasion this shop near my house put on a really cute stuffed dog and his eyes got me hooked from first glance. He looked real and very lovely. So every time I passed by that shop with my Dad I usually stopped to say something to him like "Hey buddy, are you lonely?" or "You're so cute" and whatnot. My Dad didn't say anything so I thought he wouldn't buy me this little cutie. I was so upset because I expected one day someone would bring the stuffed puppy away. However, later, my Dad secretly bought him for me as a Christmas present. It was so great. He became my friend then and is still my bed buddy after 10 years ^^
I hope you won't laugh at me because I still sleep with stuffed toys hahaha.
Thanks for the great giveaway<3
I love to recieve . Im only thirteen and cant really give at the moment, only love [: .
The best present i have ever recieve would have to be ... a family lunch. It wasnt necisarrily a real present but i was thankfull for it. Because for one year everyone in my family ate together not just 20 of us over 30 ! and it was some of my cousins first Christmas which made it even better ! [:
I shall advertise in my blog !!
i love giving and watching the person recieve the gift and knowing that i picked the right one for them!
i like giving to other people and this is year round! i just love making others happy!
glittergurl04 @hotmail.com
I am definitely a giver. But I love receiving too. Even when I can't afford something I like to make presents for others. I really love the look on their faces when they get something they love and for me that's enough. :D
i think i am a giver, only because i love to find the perfect gift and feel so great when i've got something that i just KNOW my friends would love. though i do go on and on about it's what a wonderful gift!!! i think one lovely thing that we all did for a great friend was to have a baby shower for her and plan it as a total surprise!! it was great and it was just not me and we all pitched in, but it was great, (see i said that i really love my presents!! :)) and the most wonderful present that i got is this lovely, lovely blanket that my friend made!! it's sooo useful, soooooo beautiful and she made it herself and that is sooooooooo amazing!
I'm more of a giver these days. I think having my daughter and son brought that out more in me. I get so excited watching them open their gifts! That is so much more fun than opening my own. The one thing I do love to receive is books or gift cards for books. My husband teases me about that all the time. He says all that it takes to make me happy is an Amazon gift card. I think that's because I'm already happy, but yeah, Amazon is sweet!
Happy Holidays!
zarache AT aol DOT com
I am mostly a giver, but of course, receiving is fun too :) The best gift I ever received was a scrapbook from my best friend before I left for my year abroad in Germany. Everytime I really missed her, I would flip through the book and remember all of our amazing times together.
I'm sort of both a giver and a recieiver. I enjoy getting gifts, but I love the rush of giving someone a gift and watching them open it, and making people happy. I can't wait for Christmas to come, because it will satisfy both of my sides.
Oh, I linked to your contest on my blog:
I love giving people presents... I'm still trying to come up with a list of things I want for Christmas while at the same time trying to narrow down what I'm going to get people because that list is too long ;) This is a great giveaway :D
Awesome contest! I think that everybody, including me, has their giving moments, and their receiving moments. I love to receive gifts, because well, it's awesome! But I also like to give gifts because it's fun picking out the perfect one and seeing people be excited when they love it (or watch them be polite when they don't).
I think I'm both. I absolutely LOVE to give gifts, although I am always so afraid that the people I am giving them to aren't going to love them.
I think I would love Christmastime just as much as I do now if I didn't actually receive any gifts and just did lots and lots of giving.
At the same time, I love love LOVE presents! I still have mad amounts of trouble sleeping on Christmas eve just thinking about all the exciting presents I will have the next morning!
And my boyfriend knows that I will be super sad if he doesn't offer me fun presents at any present giving time.
I would also be super sad, though, if he just gave me something and I never got to give him anything.
So, definitely, both.
Great question! I am definitely more of a giver. For me the joy comes from thinking up different gifts for people and most of the time can't even think of gifts for myself.
I'm a giver. I tend to give presents to my classmates even if it's just a small candy cane. Sometimes I beg my mom to buy one more present just so I give something to everyone. This year, I would be *cough* secretly giving away two presents to my friends. Both of them kept on telling me that I shouldn't give them presents. Especially when I've known them for so long and that they're giving me a present! Some of my friends are so surprised when I give them a gift.
For my siblings, I would buy something special for them. If I don't have the money, I make it. This year, I'm hoping to make all of my presents. =)
The best present I've received was a doll from my aunt. It was beautiful, but I didn't like dolls at that time. I thought that the eyes of dolls were freaky and it scared me. Now I really love the doll. But the thing is, I've never opened the box. I'm very scared that I'll break it. I treasure it very much. >.<
I like receiving presents, but I also like giving them. I really like to find something that is just perfect for the person receiving it.
I LOVE giving gifts (mostly if I made them) but obviously, I also love getting them, too!
The best present I ever gave is actually one I haven't given yet. I'm giving it to my mother this year, and it is a calendar made entirely of magnets that are on a cookie sheet; I am SO excited about it.
I love to receive gifts, especially ones that people have put some thought into. That's the kind of gift I enjoy giving myself!
allmycrazycats AT aol.com
Hi, Rylie! So true!
Hi, Beth! How sweet.. I'll post tomorrow. :)
Hi, Jessica! Awe.. :) And a cat - nice. :)
Hi, SammyJones57! I always wanted a handmade dollhouse. :) Do you still have it? And I get the niece thing. They do it to me all the time. :)
Hi, Liviania! I love the way you described the gift giving process. So true. You do get to enjoy the gifts longer when you're giving. :)
Hi, George! :) Well stated.
Hi, Elle Enchanted! I agree. :)
Hi, Robby! Thanks for blogging about the contest.. :) And yes, me too. :)
Hi, Chelsie! Thanks. :) I'm definitely a little of both too. And I can't wait until the holidays. :)
Hi, Tower of Books! You're a lucky gift receiver. :)
Hi, Alyssa! Wow.. You are a true giver if you can't think of anything to receive. :)
Hi, Blackroze! So sweet! A happy little kid's reaction is priceless and worth every penny. :)
Hi, Rima! Thanks for blogging. :) And I agree. :)
Hi, Vanessa! Awe. Thanks. :) We've all been there. :) Enjoy receiving and the holiday. :)
Hi, Amanda! Thanks for the add to your sidebar. I love receiving books. It's like giving someone an escape. Your bud must have been sooo happy. :)
Hi, TayToe! How sweet! :) Thanks for the mention.
Hi, Book-Adorer! Me too. I read that Katie Holmes has her own gift wrapping room. I'd love one of those for all the pretty paper, bows, and ribbons. :)
Hi, Alyssa! It's a great read. :)
Hi, Amanda Sue! Me too.. And I love receiving homemade gifts. :)
Hi, Just Blinded Book Reviews! So sweet.. :) You and your sister have such a nice relationship. :) Thanks for posting.
Hi, Ambear! No way. I still have my bear, Bezat.. He's going to be 31 this Christmas. :) Great story. :)
Hi, Bianca! Thanks for the post. :) What a nice gift. And a huge family. Enjoy!
Hi, Nicole! Me too. :)
Hi, Katelin! You have lucky friends and family. :)
Hi, Cyndi! Me too. :)
Hi, Katayoun! What a wonderful thing to do for a friend. :)
Hi, Bamabelle! Ha! Me too. :)
Hi, Amber! What a wonderful, thoughtful, gift. :)
Hi, Paradox! Me too.. I can't wait. Thanks for the link.
Hi, Book Spot! Thanks.. Good luck with the list. :)
Hi, Mariah! Me too. :)
Hi, Brizmus! Have fun exchanging with your BF! Well put.. :)
Hi, Tasha! :)
Hi, Tara! Me too.. I always loved making gifts. And one of my most treasured presents is also from an aunt. I still have a sweater she gave me over 21 years ago. She passed away a few months after she gave me the sweater.
Hi, Carol Sue! Me too. :)
Hi, Ellie! What a great idea. She's going to love it.. :)
Hi, Kristine Michelle! I agree. :)
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